Shyy the Zealot
Shyy   Canada
This year smells like Mozzarella Cheese and whole-wheat Western Family brand Crackers.
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To start off let me say this: I found this game while binge-watching Mr. Sark and his pal play through Sniper Elite 3 when i clicked off the video by mistake and transported myself to this mind-numbing cacophony of screaming zombies. Instantly I thought "Wow that was a good misclick" and proceeded to binge-watch Sark's NZA (N--i Zombie Army) series instead.

After finishing the binge I did what any sane person hopped-up on caffeine and popcorn would do - bought ZAT (Zombie army Trilogy). And this is where the review starts.

Is this game Amazing? Yes. And I'll tell you all why.
- The godly bullet-cam makes a worthy comeback. 10/10 would watch a zombie's brain explode via BULLETS again.
- The amount of game-control you have is astonishing. From the overall difficulty to the amount of enemies you face.
- If you like surviving by the skin of your teeth then holy HELL is this game for you.
- Doubles as a stupidly-fun rage-game at higher difficulties.
- The fun doubles every time you add a friend to the equation, that said - you can play with up to three additional people! Quartered-split-screen not included.
- Perfect game for a Friday-night right after watching any zombie-associated movie.
- Great game for streaming with pals as well.
- I found few bugs. +8 to "This was totally worth it!"

Now... Remember when I mentioned game-control? Lets talk about that now.
In terms of the difficulty levels there are three that dictate how long you're going to live before you inevitably run out of ammo - Cadet, Marksman, and Sniper Elite.

- No bullet-drop. You'll be thinking "Screw gravity... Now watch this drive" now and then.
- Your scope is always stable.
- Health regen is quick. No, you are not the Hulk.
- Lots of ammo for ya. Orks would be jealous.
- Damage taken is minimal. Like a rubber-band to the arm.

- Bullet drop exists. "YEET!"
- Scope-wobble comes into play.
- You've got less ammo to start off with.
- You'll catch yourself saying "Healz pls" or "Okay that actually hurt a bit" somewhat often.

Sniper Elite:
- Bullet-mechanics and a whole bunch of other stuff say "F*** yo couch" and nerf you so hard you may as well be trying to hit a pea with a dartgun from over a Kilometer (0.62 Miles) away with high-winds.
- Everyone you share your place of living with will hear you scream "WHERE IS THE AMMO" now and then.
- Every time an enemy hits you, your character will drop the F-bomb and wither in pain till his/her balls grow back.

And now for the amount of enemies that you can set to spawn in your campaign-start menu!

Spawns for one player:
- Sniper Elite 3 on Marksman except everyone is a zombie and all collectively lack the brain-cells required to hit the broad-side of a barn with a bus.
- "Wait that was an elite enemy?"
- Looting enemies is like Borderlands 2.

Spawns for two players:
- Everything can hit you now. Everything that doesn't hit you will cut your hair.
- Elites can and will cause a code-brown in your pants.
- Leading enemies into explosives will make looting will be somewhat easier.

Spawns for three players:
- When in doubt, RUN.
- That code-brown now has red mixed in whether you like it or not.
- Looting is a thing of the past. Throw all your explosives and hope for the best.

Spawns for four players:
- Y'all ever seen a Tyrranid hive-fleet? No? Well feast your eyes...
- Elites are the carnage-fueled killing-machines that will haunt your dreams and dry-f*** you in your sleep regardless of the previous code-brown/red.
- Don't run, you'll only die tired. Seriously.


Is the game worth?

One major bug comes to mind... Trainyard has a bug that does not let you progress further into the level. You'll know it when you get there. All you need for that bug though is a few resets and you'll be A-Okay.

Fun with friends?
- You bet it is. get a full-game and you'll tear through this faster than my dad in a double-chocolate cookie store.
indirectTendencies 7 Apr, 2023 @ 8:28am 
still lobeless
Cerephus 29 Jan, 2020 @ 6:04am 
ayy lmao
indirectTendencies 28 Jan, 2020 @ 7:56pm 
laid back and lobeless
Cerephus 20 Jan, 2020 @ 12:46pm 