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Преглед на глобалните статистики за постижения
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18 от 42 (43%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

Shardbearer Godrick

Defeated Shardbearer Godrick
Откл. на 26 ян. в 2:28

Shardbearer Radahn

Defeated Shardbearer Radahn
Откл. на 27 ян. в 11:11

Shardbearer Mohg

Defeated Shardbearer Mohg
Откл. на 31 ян. в 13:49

God-Slaying Armament

Upgraded any armament to its highest stage
Откл. на 29 ян. в 12:44

Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

Defeated Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Откл. на 27 ян. в 11:55

Regal Ancestor Spirit

Defeated Regal Ancestor Spirit
Откл. на 27 ян. в 11:18

Margit, the Fell Omen

Defeated Margit, the Fell Omen
Откл. на 16 юни 2024 в 7:09

Red Wolf of Radagon

Defeated the Red Wolf of Radagon
Откл. на 27 ян. в 11:49

Magma Wyrm Makar

Defeated Magma Wyrm Makar
Откл. на 2 февр. в 12:40

Godfrey, First Elden Lord

Defeated Godfrey, First Elden Lord
Откл. на 31 ян. в 13:42

Mimic Tear

Defeated Mimic Tear
Откл. на 27 ян. в 11:11

Astel, Naturalborn of the Void

Defeated Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
Откл. на 29 ян. в 12:44

Leonine Misbegotten

Defeated the Leonine Misbegotten
Откл. на 26 ян. в 9:25

Royal Knight Loretta

Defeated Royal Knight Loretta
Откл. на 27 ян. в 10:17

Elemer of the Briar

Defeated Elemer of the Briar
Откл. на 31 ян. в 13:42

Ancestor Spirit

Defeated Ancestor Spirit
Откл. на 27 ян. в 10:17

Roundtable Hold

Arrived at Roundtable Hold
Откл. на 16 юни 2024 в 7:28

Great Rune

Restored the power of a Great Rune
Откл. на 26 ян. в 5:05

Elden Ring

Obtained all achievements

Legendary Armaments

Acquired all legendary armaments

Legendary Ashen Remains

Acquired all legendary ashen remains

Legendary Sorceries and Incantations

Acquired all legendary sorceries and incantations

Legendary Talismans

Acquired all legendary talismans

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