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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2,490.3 hrs on record (1,858.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 2 Sep, 2017 @ 9:54am
Updated: 31 Jan, 2019 @ 11:15pm

CS:GO Review
Counter strike has done nothing but go downhill in the quality of games that you could play on matchmaking, and it's sad seeing my favorite franchise come to what looks to be a gruesome end. The only games I find in matchmaking are players who are between level 2 and 16 in casual and have the most extreme and perfect aim the world has ever seen. On top of this, the players who are higher ranks are worse than those who are of a lower rank nine times out of ten, adverse to how skill gain should be in a game (I have two thousand hours on this account alone, and lose to level 2s with 1-100 hours in total every single game I play). The hacking has gotten literally out of control, and the worst part about it is you don't know who is and who isn't hacking, which puts this terrible mindset in every single player that if somebody is better than you, they are cheating, which is a reasonable assumption to have at this point considering how many cheaters there are, and how advanced the cheats in counter strike have become. Cheats in this game can correct your aim in such a smooth and unnoticable way that nobody could even know if you are cheating just by watching you play, hell, I could be hunched over you watching you play csgo and if you had a good cheat and a good cheat configuration, I and everyone else watching would be none the wiser. The only escape from the cheaters is to pay to play on third party servers like ESEA or faceit, but even then, there have been people who have used external radars in ESEA even with the extra level of protection with their anti-cheat. VAC NET could get rid of spinbotters, sure, but the only way to stop cheats for good would to be have an invasive, rigorous anti-cheat which would see tons of backlash from the community. I personally have never seen a player who has more than a thousand hours in this game who genuinely enjoys every single second of playing and doesn't think there is tons of BS involved, unless of course they are making money off of playing the game. I also don't get the high I used to get from playing, I just get frustrated knowing that I have played this game and the other games in the franchise for well over 5-6 thousand hours over all acounts, and still get smashed and destroyed without a chance by players who have no idea what they are doing, don't use utility, don't have any proper positioning, but somehow have otherworldly aim at level 2. What's the point of playing and "getting good" if somebody can download my skill level for $40 and not get caught for it?
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