I'm from   Norway
Press this


First off all, this is my alternate steam account (may be used as an idle account too), so all the information below apply to my main account and if you are interested in trading with me or talking with me thats where you should contact me.

Main account:

About me:

Citizen of the dankest country in the world, Norway

15 Years




How come there aren't any Mexicans on Star Trek?
They don't work in the future, either.

Another Sci-fi/non racist/dank joke

How come there aren`t any black people in Star Wars?
Because its the future.

requently asked questions:

Are you racist?
I'm not. Kappa

Sad song? :(((((( BibleThump

Favourite quote?
You are not my friend, you are my brother, my friend.
And this: If her age is on the clock, shes on my ♥♥♥♥.

Favourite csgo video? Seriously? No. Seriously? no

What rank are you?
Some where around global 4Head

Isnt your inv waste of money?
Yeah it is, so was your mom.

Are you a ♥♥♥♥♥♥/alien?
Not currently, but who knows what the future will bring.

Money used on inv?
Used 30-45e on inv and like 40-60e on cases (only blue items, thanks gabe)
Currently Offline