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Скорошни рецензии на I'm Going To Alice

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32.9 изиграни часа
Limited time event gear, all new updates are paid, day 1 dlc with exclusive gun and armor. Why was this game praised for so much when it released? Being fun to play instead of being a buggy cashgrab slop which AAA game studios produce?
Публикувана 29 януари.
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4 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
9.7 изиграни часа (9.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
CPU GPU meet recommended specs, but I cant get 60 FPS at 1080p on minimal settings without DLSS set on performance. I don't think the game will even launch if you use the specified minimal hardware.

The game itself is just a glorified, although major update of ARK: Survival Evolved. Don't buy season passes from the devs, they tend to later add DLCs which require a new season pass.
Публикувана 26 януари.
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5.6 изиграни часа (5.5 часа по време на рецензията)
that was a fun game
Публикувана 11 януари.
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10 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
10.1 изиграни часа
Its a better game than salt and sanctuary, but the change from being a souls-like to a monsterhunter-like didn't vibe with a lot of players, myself included. The developers wanted to make something different and their passion really shines through their work, but it didn't work out as well as intended. It's not a bad game by any metric, but I understand why sanctuary fans didn't like it.
Публикувана 3 януари.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
0.8 изиграни часа
Unplayable without rtx6090 and i11 17600
Публикувана 26 ноември 2024.
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127.4 изиграни часа (25.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Possibly the only, but definitely the best office survival game.
Публикувана 22 септември 2024.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
30.1 изиграни часа
This game could have been great, standing besides the giants like Minecraft and Terraria, but sadly it hasn't received the love its concept deserved. The game is filled with both horrible mistakes and genius ideas.

The weird 2.5D perspective and messy artstyle are probably the most common reason why most folks never give it a try. To be honest, visual clarity suffers a lot because of it and it's just not pleasant to look at in the slightest. The balancing is a joke, You can die in half a second no matter what gear or skills you have, but you can also instantly restore your health to full as long as you have nuts left in your inventory. Game is so riddled with bugs, but most of the ones blocking your progress can be circumvented. The game is clearly not finished and it shows in every aspect of the game.

What this game excels at is the airship building. Every single thing you can place has its own weight, buoyancy, resistances and durability values. It's the single thing which makes this game memorable and fun. The world is interesting, but underdeveloped. Exploring the few biomes the game has to offer for the first time, while fun on its own, only leave you wanting more.

I hate it when people say "this game is bad, but had extreme potential" when talking about every single failed open world survival crafting game, but this one is really deserving of these words. I suggest playing this game, not to have fun, but to get mad over what it could have become if things turned out slightly differently 10 years ago.
Публикувана 30 юни 2024.
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1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
7.2 изиграни часа (7.2 часа по време на рецензията)
good game
Публикувана 6 февруари 2024.
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4 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
1 човек намери тази рецензия за забавна
0.5 изиграни часа
Bland and generic. Nothing original, just trend chasing. I was actually offended by this game.
Публикувана 24 април 2023.
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Все още никой не е оценил тази рецензия като полезна
2.1 изиграни часа
That was fun
Публикувана 19 ноември 2021.
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