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1 person found this review helpful
0.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Very original roguelike.
1. A ot of items allowing various builds
2. Item upgrades and types to add even more complexity
3. Multiple characters
4. Variety of effects
5. Multiple difficulty levels; starting from rather casual gameplay
6. Big variety of encounters, some including minigames
7. Each run is rather short, game encourages replaying the game with different characters or on higher difficulty levels instead of ramping up the difficulty to fast or prolonging a run.

1. With the variety of builds, getting lucky with drops early on can lead to some OP combinations. Still with the difficulty to pursue any specific build, that's more a chance to have a funny run, than a serious balance issue

1. With all the item variety targeting any specific build is problematic. That alone would be understandable and just enforce adopting to circumstances, but often character traits make some items effectless on a given character and you may still get them in various events as the only choice. Would be nice if game at least adjusted the not rerollable rewards to match character limitations.
2. Game can become slightly "buggy" when it comes to grabbing mechanics. Some hook types have tendency to drop items outside of the drop zone. Items like honey, magnets, trash bins etc can even get stuck and block the drop zone entirely.
3. The luck factor may also lead to an extremely hard run, still with run length it's a rather minor inconvenience, than a serious flaw.

Overall Dungeon Crawler is a very interesting and original title with a lot of replayability power. I would even say that it's easy to learn,but hard to master. Still due to difficulty settings it's accessible to anyone.
Sometimes the balance may be a bit off, but with the run length it's easy to shrug any issues off and just enjoy even such less lucky runs and have a laugh at the resulting builds.. Considering it's still an EA title, so more updates are to be expected and at the price it deserves a solid recommendation.
Posted 30 November, 2024.
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3.6 hrs on record
Simple yet entertaining - this sentence probably best describes the game

You work at a convenience store where by a mix of time management and minigames you earn money, which you will need to take care of your cat and maybe make your home a little bit more cozy if anything is left after feeding your fluffy friend.

Days(shifts) are short enough for the game not to become too repetitive, there are also special events modifying customers behaviours to add some diversity to your work.

At the core it's still a casual game, where you can't really fail. Even if you make mistakes it will just take longer to unlock everything

Nice title to take a break and relax for a while, especially for cats lovers, but that's not required to enjoy it.
Posted 23 March, 2023.
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4.4 hrs on record
This should actually be a neutral review.

The game is a quite nice point and click with decent(yet cliche) story, OK puzzles and a lot of humour(sometimes controversial for today's standards). All in the flavour of the classic 90s titles.
Why in that case, I don't recommend it?
Mainly because the controls aged poorly and it contains quite a lot of slow, repetitive transitions.
In few scenarios the game also requires using quite specific action to accomplish a goal. By that I don't mean any weird of abstract puzzles(not counting the classical humorous, yet still logical solutions), more that it added a bunch of often similar interactions to the menu and only one of them works, while others fail to give a meaningful response, that is if they give one at all.
If you're accustomed to the mechanics of the old P&C games, you might still find it enjoyable, especially for the humour, otherwise you will probably find it too dated, maybe even clunky. There are many titles from that era(some even slightly older then Rex Nebular) which are more accessible

Advice for people still willing to give it a shot: When looking/using any other command you can keep the mouse button pressed and will see a written description of the action you will perform when you release the button. Scanning the whole screen with RMB pressed helps discover some less visible objects
Posted 23 March, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
6.6 hrs on record
Decent game, but the mechanics are quite dated even considering the release date
1. Good story and setting. Navy is not only about fighting naval battles
2. Multiple dialogues triggering at various moments of the campaign help with the immersion
3. Variety of ships and weapons
4. Nice level design
1. Limited controls over fleet and even less statistics about it's state
2. Bad AI. When moving under formation ships can ram each other
3. Even with top crew available battles are quite random. due to low weapon accuracy. You can destroy one ship with a single salvo and then spend quite a lot of time trying to sink another one of the same class
4. Some missions are very slow. Generally maps are quite vast and while many missions develop while you explore them, there are moments when you just need to reach a specific point of the map without anything happening. Basically you keep using emergency engine power and still wish there was an option to adjust game speed
5. Dated graphics
6. "Scripted" gameplay including outcomes which sometimes have nothing to do with the current situation on the map
7. Buggy - Not all effects apply to your own and independent ships equally(for example I ended up with an enemy swirling in a solar storm while I could not enter it for more that a few salvos before being thrown out of it)
To sum a nice story oriented pirates game. Has a good campaign, skirmish mode and even multiplayer(however this one requires some fiddling with the config) Still it's quite old, so if you played similar newer titles it's fine, otherwise you would probably enjoy a newer game with more modern mechanics more
Posted 29 January, 2023.
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7.2 hrs on record
[Recommendation: Neutral]
I have mixed feelings about the game.
Generally a solid P&C, sometimes lacking polish, but overall really good, yet the story spoiled everything
1. Overall fine puzzles(maybe even slightly too easy)
2. Story in the first few chapters
3. Varying locations, each with it's unique and often even charming artstyle
4. Humorous at times
1. Initially nice story, soon gets divine aspect(till the middle of the game it was still fine) and in the second half characters either make some weird choices or some unlikely things occur out of nowhere as it seems with the sole purpose to show how divine power can solve those issues
2. Actually lacks proper backstory. Authors were so keen to portrait evil as the deceiving one that if we change/remove just a few events we could easily make the antagonist the good side(if not for the purely evil proclamations of intentions most of actual actions described in the lore are actually prone to interpretation and in the fight between the two sides both chose to use force) Together with point 1 it makes the story feel far stretched and adjusted just to support the message the authors were trying to pass
3. On a few occasions game can be confusing(some areas are bigger than the screen and it's not obvious that you will find something more when you walk to the side)
4. Mediocre audio
5. Controls aren't actually bad, but could be improved
6. On a few occasions things have to be done in specific order, when one action triggers a cutscene and unlocks loosely related actions/dialogues
7. Some people might not like the included minigames, but in my subjective opinion they we a nice alteration to the traditional gameplay
To sum up. It's a good, but slightly unpolished P&C, which unfortunately suffers badly from a weak story. I would say that it started nicely, but soon went downhill. The story simply doesn't unfold naturally, instead it feels heavily guided. which really breaks the immersion

If you can live with a cliche and far stretched story and are here just for the P&C part give it a go, but be advised that there are far more balanced titles out there if you're looking for an overall good game
Posted 19 December, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
10.2 hrs on record
Very nice, but sometimes gory P&C game.
Most of the time interactions are logical.
Story is grim but nice. It's well thought and quite complex. Covers a whole family tree.
It's divided into multiple short scenes dedicated to each family member
At the same time it's not cons free. On a few occasions it felt that it's gory without reason, just to be shocking, few of the golden emblem puzzles don't really make much sense
Posted 19 September, 2022.
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1.9 hrs on record
If not for the achievement to play it for 1h(which actually does not trigger properly and requires even more time), it would be a 10 minute long game(including time needed to translate some of the item names)
Posted 19 September, 2022.
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1.4 hrs on record
Short and rather buggy
1. OK graphics
2. Decent story
3. Few very simple puzzles and even a boss fight
1. Poor hitboxes
2. Clunky controls
3. You can get stuck and unable to move
1. Special abilities that add some variety, yet their mechanics are so simplified, that in reality they don't change much, with the clumsy controls they can even be frustrating.
To sum up I wouldn't go as far as to discourage playing the game, but I certainly would not recommend it either. There are many better alternatives. This title just lacks the polish to make it enjoyable.
Posted 19 September, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
Even considering the price the game is just too simplified and short
There are 35 5x5 puzzles with no option to adjust the number of pieces or modify the difficulty in any other way
Posted 19 September, 2022.
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20.8 hrs on record (13.2 hrs at review time)
Generally fine game, but is full of microtransactions, many combinations change between campaigns and a recipe from one of the episodes does not work in another. Also the logic behind the recipes varies a lot. Game has a strong feel of being a mobile port with the monetization strategy, replenishing energy etc.
1. Still a classic doodle god game
2. Many scenarios
1. Mobile like monetization model, full of microtransactions
2. Energy locked progress
3. Inconsistent recipes - they vary between scenarios
4. Inconsistent recipe logic - some are more physics based, some rely on loose association
5. Some recipes have variations and allow substitutes, while other are very strict and locked to a very specific, not always logical combination.

Considering the base game is free and the dlcs can be unlocked with ingame currency you might still give it a try, yet it certainly falls behind when compared to other Doodle God instalments.
Posted 19 September, 2022. Last edited 19 September, 2022.
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