
A drunk driver の最近のレビュー

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I love cats. This game has cats. I love this game.
投稿日 2024年1月4日.
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Fun with a friend
投稿日 2023年11月11日.
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総プレイ時間:12.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:7.2時間)
My rizz IRL : Poopoo
My Hooked On You rizz : gigachad.png
投稿日 2023年6月10日.
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総プレイ時間:194.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:50.7時間)
I recently bought Subnautica during the Winter Sales and it became one of my favorite game of all time.
I found almost everything in this game to be nearly perfect.

I enjoyed so much exploring every biomes and the caves. They look fantastic and from the beginning of the game to the endgame, swimming through the ocean always has been a fun thing to do. The lack of map makes the game harder to locate yourself in the ocean since the only thing you see above water is the crashed Aurora.
The fauna is abundant with a really large diversity of fishes, from herbivores to carnivores.

You really feel like you progress through the game by unlocking vehicles, being able to go deeper into the ocean, building a new base in dangerous areas...

I found Subnautica's lore really interesting, and the way to progress through the story is to explore the ocean and find structures and notes by yourself. The game will help you to progress through the story at first, don't worry. Remember to scan everything you see, you might find important clues!

Leviathan monsters are really scary, they can kill you really quickly and swim very fast, faster than you if you don't have a submersible.

This is my capsule time:
"Hey survivor! This ocean is awesome! So many biomes and fishes, have a great time exploring this planet! Just, remember this advice: if you hear something roaring, swim as fast as possible and never look behind.

Be safe in the sea and enjoy your swimming time!"

I could say a lot more things about Subnautica but this game is such a wonderful game, you will be amazed when you'll play it.

Take your time playing Subnautica, there's no rush, try not to look at the wiki and learn by yourself for the best Subnautica experience.

Definitely worth its price and worth your time. Subnautica is a 10/10 game that will give you hours of exploration and fun.
投稿日 2022年12月30日. 最終更新日 2022年12月30日
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総プレイ時間:35.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:33.5時間)
This game is good. Not the best Resident Evil of the franchise, but you will have a good time playing Resident Evil 3 Remake.

First, I have to mention that I haven't played the original Resident Evil 3 that came out in 1999. So I will not feel any nostalgia about that game.

The things I want to say about Resident Evil 3 Remake are:

1- Nemesis is fun to fight but it feels underwhelming during the story. Nemesis is a menace just during the first section of the game. After that, you will only encounter him in boss fight arenas. I wish Nemesis had a longer "stalker" phase (such as Mr. X in RE2 or Lady Dimitrescu in RE8). Despite that, I enjoyed really enjoyed being chased by it in the streets, he is way more threatening than the other stalkers from the other Resident Evil games. The boss fights are fun too, maybe it is a little bit too easy to win against his stage 2.

2- The story is short. In my first playthrough, I beat the game in Standard difficulty in 4 hours, while spending a lot of time exploring the streets and collecting every items. Resident Evil 3 Remake feels like it was being rushed during development. I want to explore more of Raccoon City's streets, sewers, and NEST 2.

3- Almost no puzzles. If I remember correctly, there's one easy puzzle at the beginning of the game when you have to select a valid route for the subway and then, nothing else.

4- It might be controversial but I think this Resident Evil has a good replay value. There are 5 different difficulty modes and the 2 hardest difficulties offers different enemies at different locations. There also are challenges that give you points to spend after completing them. These points can be exchanged for new weapons, more health, more inventory slots, infinite ammo weapons, more damage output, recovery items and more. I beat the game more than 10 times and I'm still having fun finding a new way to beat the game once again.

5- Speedrunning the game is really fun. I'm usually not a fan of speedrunning games but RE3R doesn't have long boring phases as we can have in RE Village with Beneviento's House or Moreau's Reservoir being dull to play after the first time.

6- Some cinematics would have been way better to play than to watch and there are some part of the game in which you just have to press W and press left click once.

7- Visually, this game is beautiful. Resident Evil games doesn't disappoint when it comes to graphism. Jill's and Carlos' looks are great, Nemesis looks like the scary pursuer it is.

In conclusion, Resident Evil 3 Remake is a good game that could have been better. You should really give this game a chance and try it because you will have a great time playing it. Not worth the full price, but worth the €15 RE2R + RE3R bundle when it's on sale!
投稿日 2022年12月24日. 最終更新日 2022年12月29日
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総プレイ時間:58.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:41.6時間)
Really great game! I finished the story 3 times now. I had a lot of fun beating the game on Hardcore difficulty! (I still have to complete the story on Village of Shadow difficulty though).

What I liked the most about Resident Evil Village:

1 - The atmosphere: RE8 takes place in a snowy medieval-like city in Eastern Europe where you feel traveling back in time. A luxurious castle, an eerie house, an abandonned mine and an underground factory, every part of the game offers an unique experience.

2- The Lords: The four Lords each have a unique personality. Their respective voice actors did a fantastic job. During the early cutscene where we meet all of them for the first time, we direcly discern their relationship.

3- The gameplay: Gameplay-wise, this game is on point. The enemies have the perfect amount of HP to be considered as threat while still providing fun fighting them. You have to think how to defeat heavy enemies while having to deal with basic enemies at the same time. Enemies will drop money or parts of them to be sold to The Duke. You can buy weapons and upgrade them, buy ammunitions and accessories to him.

4- The replay value: For me, it's a HUGE pro. After beating the game once, you can start another game while keeping your inventory (weapons, ammos, health, money). You gain access to challenges that give you points. With these points, you can then buy new weapons, infinite ammos, concept art and character models.

What I didn't like about Resident Evil 8:

There aren't any major issues with the game, but there are still some things that could have been better.

My main issue is that Donna Beneviento and Salvatore Moreau feels overwhelmed by Alcina Dimitrescu and Karl Heisenberg:

1- My first point here is that Beneviento and Moreau do not put the player in danger. During their respective parts of the game, there are almost no enemies. Playing against Donna Beneviento and her doll Angie really is terrifying the first time, but after starting another new game, you will just want to beat Beneviento as soon as possible because there's not really a lot of things to do: (almost) no enemy, no loot. While being in Moreau's territory, you will aswell feel a lack of enemies. You encounter several enemies at just one location, then nothing more.

2- Beneviento's House and Moreau's Reservoir is just going from point A to point B while you have to explore Alcina Dimitrescu's castle and Karl Heisenberg's factory. There you will find treasure, weapons and weapon upgrades, ennemies, puzzles and mini-bosses. The amount of time spent in the Castle and the Factory is way more important than the house and the reservoir.

Another thing i want to add is that Mother Miranda feels like she's just the main antagonist at the very beggining of the game and at the very end. Otherwise through the whole game, I cared a lot more about the Lords than her.

In conclusion, despite these minors cons, Resident Evil Village is a wonderful game, worth its price and playtime. Definitely one of my favorite game i ever played!
投稿日 2022年11月11日.
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総プレイ時間:822.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:64.3時間)
The perfect game to chill with some dinos! Love it!
投稿日 2022年1月3日.
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総プレイ時間:33.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:17.4時間)
Really good game, i can casually play it and chill
投稿日 2022年1月3日.
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総プレイ時間:26.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:14.1時間)
Quel jeu génial ! À faire absolument !
投稿日 2022年1月3日.
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総プレイ時間:1,758.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:267.6時間)
nice game
投稿日 2021年12月23日.
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