someone stole my schmunguss...
John Brace Up
"The rising sun will eventually set, A newborn's life will fade.
From sun to moon, moon to sun...
Give peaceful rest to the living dead."

I have nothing but my sorrow and I want nothing more. It has been, it still is, faithful to me.

Why should I begrudge it, since during the hours when my soul crushed the depths of my heart, it was seated there beside me?

O sorrow, I have ended, you see, by respecting you, because I am certain you will never leave me.

Ah! I realize it: your beauty lies in the force of your being. You are like those who never left the sad fireside corner of my poor black heart.

O my sorrow, you are better than a well-beloved: because I know that on the day of my final agony, you will be there, lying in my sheets, O sorrow, so that you might once again attempt to enter my heart

Akiyama Is Epic#0931 old tag new is akiyamaisepic
who killed cell
anakin 21 May @ 6:45pm 
DEAD CEL!!!!!!!
anakin 16 Jan @ 9:07am 
ewden wing
Lazorical 4 Jan @ 5:00am 
the super markiplier
yes ...
anakin 2 Jan @ 7:31pm 
you ever just ?