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35.4 hrs em registo (2.6 horas no momento da análise)
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I rarely buy Early Access titles but this one really caught my eyes and it looks promising.

This is what happens when you combine Animal Crossing with Stardew Valley on Australian outback.
So far the gameplay is super fun. I've been waiting for a game like this to come on PC. There's a survival element to it too, like having a HP and Stamina bar to watch. The graphic and the sound design is very charming.

Of course this game is not perfect, there's some things that might need addressing.
You can ONLY save when going to bed, akin to Stardew Valley.
You can't pause the game whatsoever, the clock will keep advancing even if you're on the inventory / journal menu. The only way to pause is to go back to main menu but you will LOSE some unsaved progress during that day
The game performance is also need some optimizing. I heard some people with high end GPU getting frame drops below 60
There's some text typo here and there but this is just minor nitpick from me and it doesn't really ruin the game in any way.

But since this is an early access title, I'll keep watching on how the development goes

Overall, good game to play for chilling after a stressful day
Publicado a 16 de julho de 2022.
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53.1 hrs em registo (47.8 horas no momento da análise)
Good game but gosh the amount of DLC is just outrageous and confusing.
Here's a tips if you considering to purchase this game:

If you like playing Campaign mission, get the CoH 2 Base Game and Ardennes Assault.
If you like playing on Multiplayer Skirmishes, get the Base Game, Western Front Armies Pack (USF and OKW) and the British Forces DLC.

OR you can go to third party seller and buy Company of Heroes 2 Master Collection Steam Key which includes all of the DLC.
Publicado a 4 de julho de 2022.
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11.7 hrs em registo (9.4 horas no momento da análise)
Honestly I never heard of this game until its trailer on Summer Game Fest 2022 and it really caught my eyes since it really reminds me of that TMNT 2 Arcade for NES. Turns out I was very right. It felt really nostalgic and reminds me of my childhood playing TMNT 2. Multiplayer is very fun too, you can freely join and leave someone else game anytime you want. And the fact Tee Lopes, who also works for Sonic Mania soundtrack works for this game soundtrack too is like cherry on top. I love it.
Publicado a 29 de junho de 2022.
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0.0 hrs em registo
+ Pre-ordered this the moment it got announced to support the devs so they can keep updating this awesome game.

I heard the Italians was previously cut content from the original AoE 3, and now its finally here. So far its very fun to play with although kinda overpowered. I expect them to nerf these new civs next month. Italians are very economic centric civ I must say with the Lombards building that can convert your resources (1:1 ratio) but very slowly. They also starts with an architect which can build any building for free but again, very slowly. Italians also get settler on every tech upgrade you do at the cost of no Settler home city cards. I honesly haven't played with Italian that much so there's lot more than what I just write here

Maltese is honestly, pretty fun to play, and personally I like it better than Italy. This civ is very turtling oriented civ. Your unit gain extra HP on every shipment you make. Their barracks (which is a Hospital) can heal nearby units and the commandery can transport unit from one commandery to another instantaneously (with cooldown). But thats not all! Their unique infantry also got buffs when its near friendly building / fortification. They can construct a fixed gun too which very useful for map control. They also got access to Fire Thrower (remember hoop throwers from the Act 1 campaign?) that can be upgraded to flamethrower AND rocket launcher. I swear Maltese is WILD and I love it.

The only minus thing that I noticed with Maltese is it feels like belong in a mod (?). It heavily reuses assets from the Campaign like the Hospital, Commandery and the Hospitaler is just reskinned Boneguard. Wish they make some unique assets for the building atleast. They did it with the Italians but why not Maltese? But its just my nitpick and it doesn't affects the gameplay very much.

Both civs plays like the standard European civ so the age up mechanic is the standard one.

This DLC also brings 30 new European Maps. Yes. THIRTY. Which is more than the African DLC (15 maps and some new one added in post release patch). I have been dreaming about European theme map and they finally deliver. It also has 8 new "Native" Settlement in form of "Royal House". I find some of it kinda overpowered compared to vanilla Natives. Finger crossed they overhauled the vanilla natives to be inline with the new one.

This DLC has no Historical Battles BUT they introduced a better one. Historical Maps. Basically like a Skirmish map but with set of objectives and game rule. I like it more than the standard Historical Battle scenario tbh since its very replayable with different set of civ. Like the Turkish War where you can be the attacker or the defender at the Siege of Vienna. Please make more of these. Perhaps one that take places in America / Asia

And lastly, we have new game mode called Tycoon Mode. Its Economic centered game mode where you gain score by completing sets of economic challenge. You can still make troops but they will lose some health kinda like the Militia / Minutemen so you have to use them immediately.

I think this DLC by far the best one yet by the amount of content it have and I'm looking forward on what the next civilization they gonna add in the future.
Publicado a 26 de maio de 2022. Última alteração: 26 de maio de 2022.
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0.0 hrs em registo
Another smaller DLC pack like the US Civ but this one adds Mexican to the mix. It plays similiarly to United States, you start with a General instead of Explorer, Age up by choosing Federal States, and so on. But that's where the similiarity ends. Mexico actually can revolt as early as the Commerce Age (Age II), which add new card to your deck, but they also have an option to revert back to Mexico at a cost too, and you get to keep whatever improvement card you sent during the revolution phase. That alone makes this civ very unique from the rest and as someone who love the revolt mechanic in the European civ, I love this a lot. Oh and they can also revolt TWICE if you choose Yucatan revolution in age III, then you can revolt again into Maya.

Mexican have this unique building called the Hacienda which combines Mills, Plantation and Lifestock pen. Its like rice paddies from the Asian civ which you can toggle to automatically gather Food / Coin (You can increase the trickle by assigning settlers or livestock to it). You can also toggle it to automatically produce cow and settlers (at age III). You can garrison a settler inside it too incase you get raided early and with the right card, Hacienda can also provides population too. Sounds OP? Yup. Very OP if you plays your card right.

Oh and Mexican also automatically gets a hero Priest or Padre at age II which can heal units and construct Trading post.
This DLC also brings 1 new historical battle ( and another one if you happens to own US civ DLC too)

Overall, fun civ to play with.
Publicado a 2 de fevereiro de 2022.
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0.0 hrs em registo
The first expansion to the Age 3 DE. Introduces 2 African civs, which is are pretty OP back when it was released, altough now it has been nerfed a bit, but still pretty strong nonetheless. 15 new maps are nice. I like having a variety of maps to play on. 3 new Historical Battles which is fine i guess, I wish we could have more.

The new civs have similiar age up mechanic to the United States. Instead of choosing Federal States, you choose Alliance. They also have this new resources called Influence which you can get from building a Monastery on top of mines and from Trade Routes. It function similiar to Export from the Asians expac civs, you can train natives or research tech using it.

One thing that irks me from the new Civ is the unit voiceline. It suffers the same issue as the Native american one (Lakota and Haud), it has this weird low quality sound to it and its very quiet too.

All in all, its a nice addition to the the game and I love to see more expansion like this in the future
Publicado a 2 de fevereiro de 2022.
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0.0 hrs em registo
Very fun Civ to play. The age up mechanic is interesting and it add more layers to the strategy with its federal state cards. Instead of sending settler card from the home city, United States send Immigration card which send a settler from specific European civ. The United States also has General instead of the usual Explorer, which can plant an Inspiring Flag to boost nearby unit morale and production building. They also construct Fort instead of Town Center at Age III.

Some patches ago they added 1 new historical battle tied to this civ which is pretty fun

Overall its a nice addition to the game and I love to see more Civs getting added in the future. (Asian civ please?).
Publicado a 2 de fevereiro de 2022. Última alteração: 2 de fevereiro de 2022.
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175.0 hrs em registo (113.6 horas no momento da análise)
Age of Empires IV is a solid entry to the series. As someone who disliked how very similiar Civs in AoE 2 and loved how AoE 3 did their Civs, this feels like a combination of both games and I really love it. The game originally launched with 8 Civs and then they latter added 2 more Civs in the "Anniversary" Update. The Civs are:

- The Abbasid Dynasty
- The Chinese
- The Delhi Sultanate
- The English
- The French
- The Holy Roman Empire
- The Mongols
- The Rus
- The Malians
- The Ottomans

They are all plays very different from one another, with the exception of English, French and HRE which they play very similarly and excels in Archer, Cavalry and Infantry respectively. I would call them the "starter civs" for someone who are new to the game because they easy to pick up and play unlike the rest of the Civs who has their own gimmick and and whole new layer of strategy to think of.

There's only 4 Campaign in the Base Game which includes English, French, Rus and Mongols, all of it accompanied with a very high production value documentary style of story telling. Some might like it, some might prefer the way AoE 2 handles the Campaign which is understandable. While the documentary style footage is very interesting to watch, one might argue that it makes the campaign lack of personality and I agree. Each campaign has 10 mission each, divided into 4 chapters.

The multiplayer aspect of the game is where they excels at. You have your standard Quick Play Matchmaking, for PvP or Vs. AI then you also have Solo Ranked queue and Team Ranked which they have separate ranking system from one another. It might take a few matches for the game to calibrate your skill so you get opponent that has the same skill level as yours so don't be discouraged if you lost few matches.

Originally I complained that AoE IV lacks a lot of feature such as color picker, Empire Wars and Nomad game mode, but now the game feels more complete with the addition of aforementioned feature.

AoE 2 or AoE 4? I keep seeing those questions everywhere and my take is, AoE 2 is good for the single player content since they have PLENTY of those, while AoE 4 does have Campaign, I think its not enough, but Multiplayer aspect of the game is really superb in this one.

Personal recommendation? I would totally recommend this game. It's fun, and if you like AoE 3, you might like this one too since the Civs are all very unique
Publicado a 14 de novembro de 2021. Última alteração: 14 de novembro de 2023.
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289.2 hrs em registo (170.4 horas no momento da análise)
Best racing game I have played recently. I am more fan of an arcade racer (Burnout, Need for Speed, etc) tbh and at first, really hesitant to get this game. But I decided to anyway, and much to my surprise, I got hooked. At first I play with pretty much every assist on, but now I slowly learning how to properly drive and turning that assist off.

Graphically, its still pretty breathtaking, for a 2018 game. Seasons are awesome, it makes the game feels fresh every week.

All in all, I really enjoy this game.

Be warned tho, there are still some issue with the game. Random crashing when joining convoy or after race. Random disconnect when playing ranked and the unranked matchmaking sometimes gets a really long loading screen. I hope the dev fixes it in the future.
Publicado a 25 de abril de 2021.
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1.4 hrs em registo (0.9 horas no momento da análise)
Why am I playing this?
Publicado a 15 de fevereiro de 2021.
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