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164.0 timer registreret i alt (30.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
It's kinda hard to give recommendation for this one. The game was launched in a bad state, similiar to Age of Empires IV, heck I could say this one launched with even less feature and worse than AoE IV. But I believe they can turn things around too, with the recent 1.4 Update, the game is now in far more better state, BUT still need more polish imo, which I will talk about in a moment.

As for me, a Single Player enjoyer, I have fun times with the Italian Campaign, albeit there's been a three instance where the mission bugged and I can't finish it, forced to restart the whole mission again. And after it will get repetitive later down the line. So my opinion on the Italian Campaign is pretty mixed, while its fun, the bugs can get really irritating.

The African Operation is your standard 8 mission linear Campaign where as the Deutsches Afrikakorps. I played a couple of the mission, its fun and I like it more than the Italian Campaign because its way less repetitive.

For the Skirmishes, you have 4 faction right out of the gate this time around, unlike the previous entry which is only 2 and the rest come as a DLC. You have the standard US Forces, the returning British Forces, Wehrmacht, and the new Deutsches Afrikakorps which plays kinda similiar to OKW from CoH 2. While all factions are really fun and felt unique to one or another, the Commander system from CoH 2 is now replaced with Battlegroups, which function like a hybrid of the Commander and the Company from CoH 1, complete with the points tree to choose from. As for the bad, British Forces plays kinda weak to me (or maybe I'm just suck at the game LMAO) and there's still very few maps to play on. Relic promises to bring more maps in the future update so finger crossed on that.

Overall, despite of few annoyance with the bugs, I like it. And as for someone who can't get into CoH 2 but love CoH 1, CoH 3 is really felt like a mix of both. Feel like CoH 1 but with nice quality of life changes from 2 and more. Oh and as it right now (when this review published), there's very minimal microtransaction, only few skins and you can buy 2 additional Battlegroup with earnable Merits (which has far better grind than CoH2 lootbox system).

tl;dr, I like it even tho it needs more polish, just buy it during sale or something. Don't buy it at full price at this state.
Skrevet: 1. januar. Sidst redigeret: 1. januar.
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9 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
8.1 timer registreret i alt
I want to like this game but I can't. It has really interesting world setting but that's about it. Rest of the game is literaly Company of Heroes with Mech. But sadly, the bad unit pathing / AI and the fact you can just spam Infantry to win ruined the game for me.

It's a 6/10 for me, and still can't scratch that CoH itch.
Skrevet: 22. december 2023.
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A very nice distraction to the base game, and as per usual I rather suggest you wait for sale to buy these DLCs. If you're looking for a playground to drive your fastest S1 - X class Car, this is it.

I really not a fan of previous "toy brand" expansion (ahem, Lego in FH4), but I was surprised by this one, as I really having a tons of fun playing through it, even tho I have zero knowledge about Hot Wheels stuff. The track itself sold it for me, driving the fastest car through the loop de loop is so much fun. And the fact it has actual progression system already a major plus for me, starting from the slow B class, climbing through S2 class feels refreshing.

I enjoyed it, and recommend you wait for sale before purchasing as I find the price to gameplay ratio is kinda steep for its base price.
Skrevet: 18. december 2023.
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A way long overdue Expansion DLC for Age of Empires IV, it adds 2 long requested Civs, the Byzantine and the Japanese, 4 new variant Civs, which is a slight "remix" of the base game French, HRE, Chinese and Abbasid Civs. Oh and also 1 new Campaign too, which basically the Abbasid campaign if I'm being honest.

I have played around with Byzantine and Japanese and they both a lots of fun. Byzantine especially gives me a AoE 3 Asian civ vibes with the new 5th resources, Olive Oil which you can use to recruit mercenary or rather, other civs unique unit. Sounds familiar? It's basically same system as the Consulate. The cistern and aqueduct system makes planning your base strategically even more fun, if you place the cistern right, you can get a slight boost on resource gathering and production speed. Some of Byzantine unique units has active skill too so there's a lot of things to micro on high level play. Byzantine units also speak Greek so imagine my surprise when I clicked my scout and she said "Malista". I would jump off my chair if somehow the unit says "Prostagma?" lol.

Japanese on the other hand is really fun. I love how some resource drop building got merged with other building, like Granary + House or Mining Camp + Blacksmith. The fact you can choose to be Buddhism / Shinto religion during Castle Age is a nice touch, although Shinto is waayy more interesting to choose than Buddhism since Shinto got a box relic like thing that you can place in Military building like Barracks to increase their production speed, where Buddhism monk can only gives enemy an attack decrease debuff. The fact you can upgrade your Town Center to become a Shogunate Castle that fires a rocket is pretty dope, since I love to play defensively. Oh and I love the voice acting on the units as well. Really well done.

For the variant civs I have played the Order of the Dragon, which is the cooler HRE, and Jeanne D'Arc, which is French but with DoTA Hero unit lol. It does feels different enough from the main civs and I can't wait to try the Chinese and the Abbasid variant.

As for the Campaign, I played like 5 of the scenario and all of them gives a unique kind of mission to them. First there's the standard base building, raise and army and defend something, while the others there's this Company of Heroes style of territory capture which I find kinda hard even tho I play in Intermediate difficulty. There's also a mission where the focus is all on naval battle. Really fun stuff.

For 15 USD / 199k IDR, I think this is really a good price for the content that got offered. Unlike *cough cough* newest AoE II DLC where they charged for a same price for 2 slightly copy-pasted Civ, mostly reused assets and 3 new Campaign.
Skrevet: 16. november 2023.
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3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
17.6 timer registreret i alt (13.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Fun FPS roguelite I've played this year. It's a mix of Doom and Borderlands, which coincidentally 2 of my favorite games. The gunplay feels really good and the weapon variety is great. Difficulty is just right and there's multiplayer co-op too.

The only negative is the fact that there's only 2 player co-op. Would been great if its 4 player but 2 player is still fun nonetheless.
Skrevet: 12. november 2023.
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1.8 timer registreret i alt (0.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Game jomok
Skrevet: 10. august 2023.
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13 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
66.6 timer registreret i alt (21.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I bought this out of nostalgia for Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for the PS2 and I gotta be honest. Its kinda hard to recommend this for people who never played the original. Some gameplay aspect are still kinda dated for today. It kinda gets repetitive at later part of the game where your daily activity are consisting only to fishing or digging at dig site. And not to mention the valley size are small. Again those are valid criticism and surely will put people off.

If you're looking for a busy gameplay with lots of things to do, look elsewhere, this ain't it. This game is more suited toward chill and relaxing / zen-like gameplay. Its the "slow-burn" type of game so don't worry if you not feeling it at earlier parts of the game. And again, don't go into this game expecting Stardew Valley-like experience.

Still here? Great, with the negative out of the way, let's talk what I love about the remakes.
My main issue with the original games are EVERYTHING FEELS SO SLOW. Picking up flowers is a real chore with how slow it was. Taking care your crops takes AGES too which is a shame considering this is a FARMING game where the farming aspect felt tedious. In the remakes? those are gone. Everything feels so much faster now. Foraging for flower is quick, tending crops is quick.

For new players, welcome! This game put huge focus on your life with your family instead of farming. so you HAVE to get married by the end of Year 1. On year 2 you will have a Kid and you can raise them to be how ever you like. Influence them to be a farmer when they grow up, or be musician or an artist, it will affect their life on later years. This game consist of 6 chapters (and one bonus 7th chapter) where there's some kind of time skips between chapters. Your kid will grow older and so do you and people in the valley.

You might notice the selection of crops in this game are kinda low, because starting in Year 2, you can cross breed those 1st gen crops and grow a new 2nd gen crops. Oh and you can breed those 2nd gen crops into a new undiscovered 3rd gen crops where you got to name the plant yourself. And 1 season consist of only 10 days. Too short? Don't worry, crops here are multi seasonal so, some crops grow in 3 seasons, and some in 2 seasons so you have plenty of time to take care of those.

Most of the game mechanic are keep intact so, whip out those 20 years old guide, some of em are still relevant. Oh and somehow they removed the Animal death. I kinda saw this coming since the FOMT remakes. Also cow now produces milk non-stop where in the OG you have to breed your cow so they keep producing more milks. Now breeding only gives a temporary "buffs" where your cow will give +2 extra milk. This game uses the Chapter system from the Special Edition (PS2), so every chapter only lasts a year (10 days per Seasons, One year = 40 days).

The new art style / graphic are good in my opinion. The OG are too dark and this is kinda more saturated (again, just my personal taste. Some people might dislike the new art direction). My minor nitpick are how incosistent the animal models look. They have the original Cow back but somehow the Sheep and the Chicken are taken straight out of SoS: Friends of Mineral Town, so it kinda clashes with the new Cow model. The music are really faithful to the original. I love what they did to Breeze song here and get this, most of the sound effects are lifted straight from the OG games, including the environmental one like the windmill sound near Vesta farm.

Since this is now localized by Xseed and not Natsume, some of the villagers name got changed. The new names are sounded more similiar to the Japanese one, like Marlin is now Matthew (in JP he is called Mashu).

Is it worth the full price? Kinda. If you really love the original games, go for it. Its worth the full price. If not, you can wait for sales since Story of Seasons games usually goes on sale pretty quick.
Skrevet: 30. juni 2023.
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A solid recommendation to me for those looking to get into AoE 1 but heard many bad things about AoE 1 DE version .
This DLC feels like a huge game conversion mod which brings AoE 1 contents (minus the OG campaign) into AoE 2 engine. What does that means? well now you have the benefit of better unit pathfinding and some other QoL changes such as gates, unit formation, garrisoning, trade carts and more.

All of the civ bonuses are preserved so don't expect them to add unique units / unique tech to the game. This might sounds like a bad thing for some, but I understand the sentiment. They added a new civ to the game, Lac Viet which is pretty good for beginner who are new to AoE 1 style of gameplay.

Instead of bringing the OG campaign, they decided to make 3 new campaigns here, in AoE 2 campaign style. I played few missions so far and I find it pretty fun. Altough most of the enjoyment from this DLC are probably comes from the skirmish mode. This might sounds like a bummer for some, only 3 campaigns and none of the original campaign are here. I wish they bringing it back in the future but i won't hold my breath for it.

As an added bonus, they added a Roman civ to AoE 2 side of the game. I haven't played much with it so i can't comment on how good / bad it is.

If you're looking for something in new / expecting something that expand the AoE 2 side of the game, just skip this DLC.
If you're interested in AoE 1 but got turned away by the horrible pathfinding in the original, you might find this DLC compelling to buy.
Skrevet: 18. maj 2023.
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8 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
50.3 timer registreret i alt (31.7 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
A really nice collection of Mega Man Battle Network 4,5 and 6 with their respective version in one neat package.
It has the usual stuff that you would expect from a Legacy Collection (Gallery, Music Player, Achievement / Trophy list). One big thing they brings to this is the fact you can go online and do Netbattle PVP or Trade battlechips with other people! This alone is kinda its selling point of this collection. They also added some of the Japanese exclusive battle chips in form of Download Chip which you can use per-game. There's also BusterMAX mode if you want to breeze thru the game and cut down some of the grinds. Exclusive to this volume are the Patch Card. Patch Card are essentially the E-reader function from the original GBA games that are, correct me if i'm wrong, only Japanese exclusive feature not present in the English version of the game. Patch card can modify Megaman.EXE in various way such as modifying their charge shot and more.

As for the game itself, it uses the original Japanese ROM but uses the original English translation. What does it mean you ask? Well, all of the Japanese exclusive content which got cut in the English release are now present here like the infamous Undernet 3, Immortal Area and Graveyard Area 1 in Battle Network 6 are now present here. And sadly they also kept the original English translation from the GBA instead of redo-ing it, so yes, the atrocious translation from Battle Network 4 are here in full glory.

Is it worth getting? This one is a tough one. I personally only like Battle Network 6 in this volume. Battle Network 4 suffers from tedious repeat playthrough and bad translation. Battle Network 5's Liberation Mission can make you love or hate the game in general. Battle Network 6 where they return to the past format. before Battle Network 4 which I am a fan of.

So if you only like BN6 like I do, I am afraid this one will be a tough sell for you. But I still put it on recommend as the quality of the collection is good. Just the quality of the game itself kinda vary from person to person.
Skrevet: 18. maj 2023.
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12 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
58.4 timer registreret i alt (39.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
A really nice collection of Mega Man Battle Network 1,2 and 3 in one neat package.
It has the usual stuff that you would expect from a Legacy Collection (Gallery, Music Player, Achievement / Trophy list). One big thing they brings to this is the fact you can go online and do Netbattle PVP or Trade battlechips with other people! This alone is kinda its selling point of this collection. They also added some of the Japanese exclusive battle chips in form of Download Chip which you can use per-game. There's also BusterMAX mode if you want to breeze thru the game and cut down some of the grinds.

As for the game itself, it uses the original Japanese ROM but uses the original English translation. What does it mean you ask? Well, all of the Japanese exclusive content which got cut in the English release are now present here (ex, Jack in animation in BN3). And sadly they also kept the original English translation from the GBA instead of redo-ing it, so you will still see stuff like "Load Chaud" and the amount of cursing in Battle Network 2.

Onto the individual games:
Battle Network 1. Weakest in the series because they clearly experimenting with stuff in this one. Suffers from the "first game syndrome", meaning it got weird design decision that got fixed in later games. Not the ideal starting game to play but the easiest one to 100%. I recommend using a map guide and BusterMAX mode ON for this one.

Battle Network 2. Great improvement to the first game. All the annoyance from the first game are basically fixed here. Still there's some questionable things present like the amount of backtracking at the later half of the game. Overall its a great starting point if you're new to the series. Still gonna recommend playing it with a guide tho because there might some parts of the game that kinda unclear what to do next to progress the story.

Battle Network 3. Hands down the best game in the collection. Story feels great here, gameplay are much more improved from the second game with the introduction of the Navi Customizer. Has a tons of stuff to do at the post-game with the secret bosses at the end. I would recommend starting it here too since more people would do PVP here compared to the first two games.

My only negative thing so say about this collection are the Denuvo DRM and the fact its kinda hard to find people online to do PVP or trading since there's no crossplay between platform. I would suggest joining some Battle Network community discord server to find people to play online.

Is it worth getting? I would say yes for the nostalgia alone. Its been fun reliving my junior high school memories playing this game
Skrevet: 3. maj 2023.
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