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M4RTEN júl. 13., 0:53 
faceit level 8 my ass, cant get a kill if his life depended on it
pastacı mete máj. 25., 19:15 
-rep cheat
RavSol jan. 1., 12:48 
btw if you gonna ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ atleast stay there as the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you are at the end of the game and be "oh I suck"
RavSol jan. 1., 12:48 
"so good" that he "outplayed" us, insta disconnected since he needed the love from his friend.. +rep since he needs his parents love
Seth 2023. dec. 23., 10:03 
By_Strikez 2023. dec. 20., 18:11 
why leave game after the teamchange like what