Aiden Corvas
Alien Overlord.   Washington, United States

I am the self proclaimed alien overlord, Aiden Corvas. I came to this planet a long time ago, and have not been able to leave. One year my Abducto ray broke, and I sent away for parts. Well, those parts were defective, so now all my machine does is abduct people's pants, either while wearing them or not. So be afraid. If you are out on a date or work or just walking around and your pants was I!! Bwahaha. I shall use them to make my pants fort!

This was the persona I played in a online card app game, called Momsters Paradise. Sadly it is no longer active game, as Aeria games closed it. I had got a following with my crazy antics to make people laugh, that the Dev's and card designers made two cars to show my persona. On of my pants fort, the other is my purple alien with his crown and red cape, sitting on a thrown of pants waving a pant flag. Why did I do this for as long as the game was active (I was there from day of release till day of closure and played everyday even ran a guild most of my game time there)? Well I did this to make people laugh and bring a little but of fun to the game...but really no one know this....

I do not get to play much as I have a chronic illness that keeps me in the hospital or in bed a lot. You can get information about it on my YouTube channel. But hey, want to send me to game, to 1) cheer me up and 2) believe it or not acts as a therapy as it keeps me focused on something other the pain and gets me out of bed. Always taking donations of games since thanks to the wonderful healthcare I am drowning in medical debt. And I want to thank those few that have helped me out and sent me a few games, you guys truly are the best and I love you guys! My YouTube is this:

Just look under videos or playlist as the UC Updates. Thanks for your time.
Zurzeit offline
Monknot 30. Sep. 2013 um 11:18 