trimbeaux 11 Tem 2012 @ 4:13 
Do not have any shotgun shells though :(
trimbeaux 11 Tem 2012 @ 4:13 
Found 2 tents at top of hill and grabbed some food and a 1104 semi auto shotgun. not sure if this was someones stash!
trimbeaux 11 Tem 2012 @ 2:47 
I am still on hill near electro
trimbeaux 11 Tem 2012 @ 2:47 
I just loaded up DayZ and I have all my kit plus 12000 blood!
trimbeaux 8 Tem 2012 @ 4:34 
Hey you going to be on tommorrow?
trimbeaux 19 Haz 2012 @ 23:42 
Whats up, where you able to play DayZ?
trimbeaux 16 Haz 2012 @ 18:24 
I saw you where on last night
trimbeaux 11 Haz 2012 @ 3:47 
Died again had about 20 zombies chasing me at night lol, I was running for my life!
trimbeaux 26 May 2012 @ 18:02 
Let me know what server you play DayZ on, I am ready to go!