UAE]MonsterRaids Afrogamer8
Hamdan AlKendi   United Arab Emirates

Hello im Afro Gamer 8
Here is questions by me and answers.

1.Are you annoying? Yes some how i am..
2.are you an afro? No .
3. How do you Mic spam? By useing hl2dj and Gfscape and also Goldwave.
4. do you have a mic? Yes.
5. do you have a server? no.
6 do you play minecraft and have a good server to play on ? Yes i do have . MC.MOOLELE.COM
7.Are you a scammer ? No check out
8. you a nerd? No.
9 are you racist? yes i use it to Insulters.

1. have you crafted a hat? No
2. have you got a first hat drop? Yes its the front Runner
3.have you got any lucky craft? Yes they are Sharp dresser and Ham shank
4. are you F2P? No im premium?
5 can i have free items? Yes if you are friendly .
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