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60.6 hrs on record
One of my all time favorites. Holds nothing back in its representation of 20th century America. Combat may be a bit repetitive, but this is compensated for with variation in the environment, and a sizable arsenal to choose from. Most modern storytelling about this era involves over-stylized aesthetics, over-exaggerated mannerisms and regurgitated plotlines. In my opinion, Mafia 2 avoids this. The narrative is layered. Political, social, interpersonal and psychological dimensions that all meaningfully frame and forward the story of Lincoln Clay. Where Mafia 2 was a clean-cut, rough-and-tough open world shooter, there was no real sense of risk, and nothing seemed truly lost. Mafia 3 fixes that critical flaw.
Posted 28 November, 2019. Last edited 10 November, 2024.
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9.0 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
"Mars: War logs" is a great game in genral, and with some great factors leading me to give this game a good rating. But with its great upside, it has noticeble downsides with it. I will explain the pros and cons of the game


- Enriching, diverse and great combat system
- Fitting music soundtrack
- Great storyline of missions, places and different attitudes in the people you meet
- Great Upgrade/ salvage system within the world.
- Nice volley of powers, tools and attacks during fights to keep the battle interesting

- The voice acting in the game is by far laughable.
- Dialogue and writing is just not well done

Besides those 2 things in cons, which are some of the worst ive seen in single player games, it doesnt take away alot of the fun out of the game. I definitelly recommend this game.( 7/10 )
Posted 31 January, 2015.
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6.2 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
I slid across the top of a skyscraper, punched a guy with my fists, he died, nicholas cage blows me up while im falling and i get an achievment called "Loser"

Posted 25 January, 2015.
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4.5 hrs on record
I am unable to see why so many people are against this game. I played 4 hours and it was great. I joined a faction, went alien hunting and learned lots. I see it flawed in some small areas but those small setbacks arent big enough for me to not like this game. it is a whole new addition to the MMORPG world in my opinion. The main reasons i see people complaining is that it has people who may kill you when you dive into the world and some people are to lazy to read all the tutorial chats and say the tutorial is useless. Strongly recomended.
Posted 20 August, 2014.
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