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Publicada: 21 jan. 2024 às 8:22
Atualizada: 21 jan. 2024 às 11:37

Análise de Acesso Antecipado
Relaxing game play with your friends.
It plays a bit like genshin impact but breath of the wild if it were a pokemon game.
The war crimes and slavery, build bases and grind out fair RNG.

The Developer could work on more diverse layouts for the dungeon map, The RNG is pretty fair in my opinion with the loot drops.

AI pathing is a bit janky with Pals and enemies but could be worked on.

Overall it's worth the price, the game is relatively hashed out unlike many of the other games on steam in early access, potential in this diamond in the rough. I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do with the roadmap they published.

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