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Recenzii recente de Ћ Abomination Jones

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This is tragically a game you can't say much of without spoiling things of any sort, this was wonderful.
Postat 29 noiembrie 2024.
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7.3 ore înregistrate (6.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Yeah, this is a nice little horror experience. To spoil the gimmick, you basically see through the enemies' eyes, and you use the environment and landmarks to figure out where they are, in the lines of Forbidden Siren.

There is an intended lack of checkpoints, but the segments are simple/short puzzles to figure out the pathing of the enemies or how to navigate their patrol. Sometimes you have to be seen on purpose, and that's perfectly valid and even necessary in some places. For what was a self-admitted bunch of affordable bunch of Unity asset pack parts in the unlockable commentary, it feels competently put together. It has some roughness to the edges, like being seen at angles you feel you shouldn't have been, or some of the enemies looking very 'default', but it works well enough.

Overall I'd say the team has managed a rather good start to their studio, and looking forward to what they'd do next.
Postat 14 octombrie 2022. Editat ultima dată 14 octombrie 2022.
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2.2 ore înregistrate
Decided to pick this up when I saw the sale, and for a miniature DOOM experience I would say I certainly got my money's worth out of it. A rather strange but interesting story of a world all gone terrible due to your typical religious symbolism and whatnot. You'll probably complete it in 2-3 hours tops, and that's with finding all the secrets if you've got a keen eye.

Good way to spend a little bit of time in the day, it won't have much replay value once you've done it all-- other than speedruns if you're into that. I don't often see a explore-a-thon DOOM-based creation so this was a nice way to go about it, quite interesting enemy designs too.
Postat 8 martie 2022.
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220.8 ore înregistrate (116.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Is good. Turn my brain off, big damage number go up.
Postat 24 noiembrie 2021. Editat ultima dată 24 noiembrie 2021.
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7.9 ore înregistrate
TOEM caught my eye a while back during E3 or some other gaming event, and since then I'd been waiting for it, and it was worth it.

In essence, TOEM is a very gentle, ambient experience where you can go at your own pace, there's no time limits or brain-busting puzzles. You generally have everything you need to solve something a few screens away if not on the same screen, using your camera to help people and solve puzzles (and sometimes your copyright-friendly Walkman) but it won't force you to do everything. You could solve 8 of a possible 16 puzzles and you can go to the next area, it won't comment on that, and you can always go back and get everything later.

Don't go in expecting a hundred hours, TOEM can be cleared in an afternoon almost 100%, only one tricky achievement really made me take a lot longer than I should. This isn't designed to be difficult or challenging, it's just a cute charming adventure of taking photography and helping people, coupled with some lovely environments.

Also you can take photos of a beetle, that's pretty cool, huh?
Postat 20 septembrie 2021.
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I've got no idea what is meant to be going on or how to play for the most part but it has this strange, visceral charm that makes me keep playing it.
Postat 28 martie 2021.
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Un dezvoltator a răspuns la 11 mart. 2022 la 10:11 (vezi răspuns)
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1,282.8 ore înregistrate (786.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
We're all here for our Steam Game Awards stuff, you know that.
Postat 26 noiembrie 2020. Editat ultima dată 22 noiembrie 2022.
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28.0 ore înregistrate (19.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Can't in good faith recommend this. Not going to say what hasn't been said before, but long story short this completely flopped in delivery and it was one heck of a let down. It's easy as heck to read other negative reviews and I would encourage it, or look up things on YouTube.

Shame, really, but that's the way it goes out there.
Postat 10 iulie 2020.
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I am no longer able to give a review as I am an employed member of Overkill Software, any review given would immediately be seen as bias, as such I will refrain from it.
Postat 20 octombrie 2015. Editat ultima dată 27 ianuarie 2017.
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118.8 ore înregistrate (40.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
Viscera Cleanup Detail is a unique thing. Those of you who've played the gory games like Dead Space, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, will maybe have once joked that you don't envy whoever has to clean the mess up that you, in those games, makes.

Turns out that is EXACTLY the case in VCD. YOU are the shmuck who got sent to the blood-drenched space station AFTER the Bald McAngry Spacemarine protagonist of another adventure had passed through. YOU are the poor sod who has to pick up all the limbs, the guts, the organs, all of it. YOU are the janitorial staff hired to clean up after the incidents.

That is what makes it so oddly satisfying and brilliant all at once. There is no big bad enemy bosses, there is no universe to save, there is no multi-level demon destroying slaughter. There is only you, and the aftermath of the previous examples. Something had happened here, judging by the abundance of guts and trash and casings...but that isn't what you're paid to think about, really. You're cleaning up after the story has happened.

The levels are quite diverse, ranging from a trashy, smelly waste disposal area to an entire digsite or even a zero gravity chamber, all of them filled to the brim with things that need mopped up or incinerated or both. Some even have their own unique gimmick, such as the Sandtraps of Unearthly Excavation that can be fed items, though it may just regurgitate other items and cause further mess.

The game is somewhat passive aggressive in it's design. Your automated waterbucket dispenser can jam and sometimes spew out bodyparts, which can make a mess. Or your Biohazard Bin dispenser can spew out some gibs...which needs cleaned up as well. The game does it's best to let you know that your job is grisly. You will need to take bloody buckets to be incinerated, you will need more buckets to mop up a spilled bucket. You'll need bins to carry all that viscera to the incinerators too...but that might just make more mess if you spill any.

It becomes oddly satisfying to turn a gory scene entirely on it's head. Make everything nice again, put it together, organize boxes. Do well enough and you'll be promoted. Do even better and you'll get an Employee of the Month award! The 'feedback' given to you outside of Speedrun mode gives the game little snippets of flavor. If you do well, you'll receive a meaningless promotion with very minute and insignificant changes to your lifestyle, such as a 5% salary increase, or a slightly bigger locker. Of course, your colleagues begin to hate you for this, because then the company expects higher performance from them too. This has no real changes evident in gameplay, but you CAN collect multiple Employee of the Month awards to decorate your office with...

All in all, VCD is still Early Access but hell, if it can make a strangely tedious job like janitorial work satisfying in a weird way, money well spent.

Also if you see Bob, notify security immediately.
Postat 17 ianuarie 2015. Editat ultima dată 17 ianuarie 2015.
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