Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
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23 of 23 (100%) Prestaties behaald::

Persoonlijke prestaties

Lights out!

Defeat the Night Watchman
Ontgrendeld op 28 mrt 2014 om 6:56

Dust to dust

Defeat the Necromancer
Ontgrendeld op 28 mrt 2014 om 9:49

Not my type

Defeat the Succubus
Ontgrendeld op 28 mrt 2014 om 12:16

Curiosity killed the cat

Defeat the Reaver
Ontgrendeld op 29 mrt 2014 om 5:31

System shock

Defeat the Daemon Lord
Ontgrendeld op 31 mrt 2014 om 3:46

This is not how a vampire dies

Defeat Dracula
Ontgrendeld op 31 mrt 2014 om 9:09


Defeat the Lady of the Crypt
Ontgrendeld op 31 mrt 2014 om 10:33

The bigger they are...

Defeat the Executioner... twice!
Ontgrendeld op 31 mrt 2014 om 11:35

Sealed fate

Be defeated by Dracula
Ontgrendeld op 31 mrt 2014 om 12:33

Simon's Quest

Complete Simon (100%)
Ontgrendeld op 31 mrt 2014 om 14:22

Alucard's Redemption

Complete Alucard (100%)
Ontgrendeld op 31 mrt 2014 om 14:30

Trevor's Destiny

Complete Trevor (100%)
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2014 om 5:18

Combat master

Obtain all the skills (reach the MAX level)
Ontgrendeld op 31 mrt 2014 om 13:45

Quick as lightning

Finish the game under 3 h. 30 min.
Ontgrendeld op 7 apr 2014 om 8:19

I'm a Belmont!

Finish the game on Hard without lowering the difficulty nor enabling the navigation aids from the map
Ontgrendeld op 31 mrt 2014 om 12:33

I'm Dracula!

Finish the game on Hardcore without lowering the difficulty nor enabling the navigation aids from the map
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2014 om 9:57

The fearsome barbarian

Finish the Boss Rush mode on Easy
Ontgrendeld op 5 apr 2014 om 3:29

The fearless vampire

Finish the Boss Rush mode on Normal
Ontgrendeld op 7 apr 2014 om 5:09

The best warrior in the Order

Finish the Boss Rush mode on Hard
Ontgrendeld op 7 apr 2014 om 5:09

The great pirate king

Finish the Boss Rush mode on Hardcore
Ontgrendeld op 7 apr 2014 om 5:09


Solve the Theatre puzzle without clues
Ontgrendeld op 28 mrt 2014 om 13:16

Light guide

Solve the Carousel puzzle without clues
Ontgrendeld op 31 mrt 2014 om 3:01

Beast hunter

Kill 1000 enemies from the Cursed Village onwards
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2014 om 9:07