If you stand on the edge of a sword, dare to start dancing. Try and fail. Don't fail to try.
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The mind is its own place and in itself
"Is this the region, this the soil, the clime,
Said then the lost Archangel, this the seat
That we must change for heav'n, this mournful gloom
For that celestial light?
Be it so since he,
Who now is sovereign can dispose and bid
What shall be right.
Farthest from him is best
Whom reason hath equaled force hath made supreme
Above his equals.
Farewell happy fields,
Where joy forever dwells.
Hail horrors Hail,
Infernal world, and thou profoundest hell,
Receive thy new possessor, one who brings,
A mind not to be changed by place or time,
The mind is its own place and in itself,
Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
What matter where if I be still the same,
And what I should be--All but less than he,
Whom thunder hath made greater. Here at least,
We shall be free.
Th' Almighty hath not built,
Here for his envy will not drive us hence.
Here we may reign supreme, and in my choice,
To reign is worth ambition, though in hell.
Better to reign in hell than serve in Heav'n. "
Leon K. 14 Aug, 2024 @ 4:05am 
Lazarus 4 Aug, 2024 @ 1:41pm 
Salut, imi place foarte mult profilul tau, dar pentru inceput vreau sa-ti prezint o reteta de gogosi: Dizolvam drojdia in 50 ml lapte caldut. Restul de lapte il incalzim impreuna cu zaharul, atat doar cat acesta sa se topeasca. Dam deoparte, lasam sa se racoreasca si adaugam esenta de vanilie. Intr-un castron punem faina pe care o amestecam cu drojdia inmuiata in lapte, oul, untul topit, praful de sare, coaja rasa de lamaie si laptele caldut. Framantam aluatul pana cand se omogenizeaza, dupa care adaugam uleiul si mai framantam 5-10 minute pana se desprinde de pe peretii vasului. Lasam aluatul sa creasca la cald pana isi dubleaza volumul, cam 50-60 de minute. Din aluatul crescut intindem o foaie de 5-6 mm grosime. Taiem gogosile cu un pahar mare (diametru 7-8cm) si le lasam sa creasca aproximativ 30 de minute, apoi le prajim pe ambele parti in ulei incins. Le scoatem pe un servet de hartie ca sa se absoarba uleiul de la prajit. Dupa ce s-au racorit, le pudram cu zahar si le servim.
hardy. 17 Jul, 2024 @ 3:09am 
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BocheNN01 23 Jan, 2024 @ 5:20pm 
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BocheNN01 23 Jan, 2024 @ 5:20pm 
Stankovic 12 Apr, 2023 @ 6:14pm 
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