šŸ©~Skunkaroo Cason~šŸ©
Cason the pretty fat roo
if you wish to add me please comment!

I keep getting avatar banned soo hereā€™s my pic:

still a work in progress, just was getting this so people can see it's still a thing

This is Martyn for when i am not playing him: https://imgur.com/a/ctu6kQM
Sedang Offline
RP Rules (and other stuff kinda work in progress)
I was helped out by a friend making these cause he's better at writing this stuff than i ever will be.

1. I will not tolerate ANY pedophilia, incest, or ā™„ā™„ā™„ā™„ in any of my RPs. Do not ask.

2. Human beings are not high on my list of preferences. I'm sorry if I'm not willing to play them for you

3. RP is supposed to be fun for both parties (Quoted from Diplo The person who wrote these); if you want me to RP with you, I want to be sure I enjoy it as much as you do

So now that all of my rules are over itā€™s about time i show you my characters, Iā€™ll rarely play outside of this group of them unless given a good reason and or a character i like.

First off is blue, my fursona and the oldest character of the bunch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m1a8e4v80w7x3iu/Infosheet-Blue.docx?dl=0

Next up is a newer character of mine by the name Haytham, Oh and thereā€™s a scat warning for this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5ee2o614few585/Infosheet-Haytham.docx?dl=0

Next is another slightly older character but one thatā€™s never been showcased on steam by the name Castor, Oh and a Hyper warning on this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/065hxz7hr3tdmov/Infosheet-Castor%20.docx?dl=0

Second to last is Heather, a dickgirl with a huge heart and a ā™„ā™„ā™„ā™„ to match it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hfnzoigx25xskai/Infosheet-Heather.docx?dl=0

And finally (for now) is Darcy, possibly my most unique and currently only female character: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m132friy6p2uxvp/Infosheet%20Darcy.docx?dl=0

Check here every so often, there might be a character you wanna meet~
Volcanis 22 Jun 2021 @ 2:14am 
this is goodbye...since you donā€™t want to talk to me anymore...if you want to readd me you can so
Skaun 17 Mei 2020 @ 12:02am 
Dropping an add mainly put oc curiosity, and I feel like we may have mer before. Hope you accept
Zol37 9 Feb 2020 @ 1:18am 
Hello there. So I've recently had a dream where I encountered you (as your 'roo) and that may mean that we both got off on the wrong foot in terms of our friendship. It was a rather petty reason that caused our separation the more I thought about it. I want to ask if you would be willing to become friends with me once more and we can throw our past behind us and start fresh with a blank slate. I'll leave the decision up to you. I'll be patient. And if you don't wish to accept, then that's fine. My heart will not be broken.

- Sincerely, Fission the Protogen
PS: We ended comms entirely around the date of 20/4/19
Crez 27 Jan 2020 @ 9:57pm 
Get back online
Crez 27 Jan 2020 @ 9:56pm 
Volcanis 20 Apr 2019 @ 12:06am