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ANONYMOUS AI legutóbbi értékelései

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63.5 óra a nyilvántartásban (18.8 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
Ok so i have been on and off DayZ latley and there is just a few issues

- Someone said something about zombies is this an easter egg or something?
- I die of hunger by the time my guy mannages to stand up from prone
- The starting towns are the most populated towns for murder
- I like the creativity and the use of copy and pasting villages
- Everything seems to have AIDS

But over all 10/10

No but seriously three things i would recommend to make the game better

- Smoother gameplay its just to sloppy and unresponsive if they could get a gameplay engine similar to counterstrike it would be fun nothing two awkward like COD but nice and simple quick movements cause when im getting shot at by the only threatening thing in the game (Hunger) (not really i mean 'bandits') it takes about 5 years for my guy to stand up, pull his gun out and after about 10 seconds of trying to hold a gun with my DERP hands i already hav 6 holes in my chest, well not really holes my screen just goes black and says im unconcious.

-Needs to be both PVP servers and Survival ones maybe, i know its ment to be realistic .. but come on if zombies can walk through walls then you can bend the rules a little.

-Lastly, you should turn this into a zombie survival game, with like zombies in it that dont walk through walls and snipe you with there vision radious :) If you add more zombies and make it more relevent such as more in bigger towns etc make them more agressive, faster and scaryer itll defo stop people camping and actually work together as a team :)

I understand this is an Alpha right now but this is my honest opinion of the game so far and what i think could improve it, i genuinlly love the whole giant map idea with free roaming and it all in all seems like a great idea now do us all proud and make a game with that idea!

Közzétéve: 2014. január 17.
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