Kieran   United Kingdom (Great Britain)

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DC: AChubbyWiggle
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17.2 Hours played
What curious sport is this! Catboy Aim Trainer doth present a most whimsical trial—an exercise in marksmanship, wherein one taketh aim upon a host of sprightly feline youths. A folly, one might think, yet beneath its jesting exterior lies a challenge both nimble and refined.

The weapons are swift, the catboys swifter still, darting with vexing agility. To strike true requireth not brute force alone but a keen eye and steady hand. The world is painted in hues most vivid, a dreamlike theatre where shot and spectacle entwine. And lo, the voices—soft murmurs and playful cries—doth render the hunt a pleasure most peculiar.

Yet beware! The trials, though lively, may soon grow familiar, and one doth wish for greater variety. Still, for those who seek both amusement and skill, it is a fine and foolish delight.
Review Showcase
19.4 Hours played
Here, one doth train not for battle nor for war, but for a singular art most idiosyncratic—nay, near eldritch in its fervor. The title, Gooning Aim Training, suggesteth an exercise in precision, yet its true nature revels in far baser instincts.

Upon my first foray into this digital theatre of vice, I was met with an experience both enrapturing and unmoored from dignity. The mechanics, simple in function, are honed with such meticulous refinement that the hand, once engaged, doth move with unnatural grace. The eye, fixed upon its mark, doth waver not, for every motion is measured, every action disciplined, until the mind itself is given over to unerring accuracy.

Yet it is within the optional expansion that this reverie doth take on new dimension. Here, the senses are assailed with trials not only of focus, but of indulgence. The colors—a most sumptuous palette—doth flood the vision with opulence most inviting. And the sound! Oh, the dulcet murmurs and throaty whispers, weaving through the ears like a siren’s call upon the storm-tossed sea.

Still, this experience is not without flaw. The controls, though responsive, may falter beneath the weight of excess. The pacing, ever unrelenting, doth at times wane into tedium should one tarry overlong in its embrace. A question lingers: when doth artful design cross into mere hedonism?

Nevertheless, Gooning Aim Training remains a most singular offering in the realm of digital pastimes. It is not a game for all, nor even for many, but for those whose inclinations align with its peculiar delights, it shall prove a feast most decadent. Would I recommend it? Aye, but only to those of constitution most resolute, lest they be swallowed whole by its indulgent embrace.

Thus, I take my leave of this strange and beguiling world, yet its echoes remain within me still—a whisper upon the soul, a flicker in the mind, a game most indecent, yet unforgettable.
ColinC74 9 Jul, 2017 @ 9:46am 
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Ca1n0 🤐💯 21 Feb, 2016 @ 8:59pm 
MaD 24 May, 2015 @ 5:29am 
+rep good trader