[S.S.F.] Federation
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federazión s. f. [from lat. late foederatio -onis]. - 1. The federation. More often concretely, a set of confederate states, many of which had been exemplified in ancient Greece (usually referred to as improvised by the name of alloys such as peloponnesic, corinthian, beotatic, panenic, achea, ethanol, etc.); in the modern era, a union between states formed without time limits and with a permanent internal organization, in order to realize common interests in defense of material and moral values ​​(as they have been exemplified since the 16th century). In international law, the term is synon. federal state. 2. a. Association of Entities: f. party, organizational structure that brings together the various sections (mostly provincial) of a political party; f. trade union organization, a trade union organization of a national nature, constituted by the union of trade unions of the same category or of similar categories with a sphere of territorial scope less widespread; f. sports organizations, national organizations having legal status of unrecognized fact associations, regulating, with regulatory and disciplinary powers, each sporting activity of their own branch. The term is also present in many official denominations that specify not only the nature of the associated bodies but also the national or local extension: F. italiana calcio, F. italiana athletics light (and so F. italiana tennis, basketball, swimming , volleyball, etc.); F. national of the agrarian consortium (or federconsorzî), F. national of the Italian press, national F. of the order of doctors; F. of the Evangelical Churches in Italy; Provincial (and regional) provincial farmers; etc. b. The head office of a federation (political, trade union, sports, etc.): go to (or in) federation.

The federation is a real state: citizens are directly subject to both federal powers and those of the individual state of belonging; the federated states, on the other hand, are not subject to international law and do not have their own foreign policy. They were confederates (before becoming federal states) the United States of America and Switzerland (which nevertheless retained the old term in the official name). The structure given to Germany by the Congress of Vienna was equally confederal (see Germanic Confederation 1815-1866). Federations are among others Canada, India, Brazil, Mexico, and it was the Soviet Union before the upheavals of 1991.

Welcome Federation
Owner and Director of the group ❂--Great States Federation--❂ [❂-GSF-❂]

Owner and Director of the group ❂--Great Federal Union--❂ [❂-GFU-❂]



Union of States characterized by the attribution of the international juridical personality to the union and the recognition to the single federated States of the executive, legislative and judicial powers within the limits established by the Federal Constitution.

In ancient Greece, f. it represented the attempt to overcome the citizen or cantonal particularisms through a political body which, while respecting the autonomy of the contracting States, in the means and ends exceeded the limited ones of the individual confederates. There were two types: confederation of sovereign states (the Peloponnesian League or the Corinthian League of 338-37 BC), or federal State resulting from the confederation of several cantons (the Beotica federation or the κοινόν of the Lycians). The oldest of these f. (improperly called alloys) was the Peloponnesian one, created by Sparta shortly after the middle of the 6th century. B.C. However, the autonomy and equality of the connected were often only theoretical and in the leagues of the 5th and 4th centuries. the equality of the individual members was annulled by the preponderance of a hegemonic city. This happened in the Panhellenic league founded in 478 to fight the Persians (➔ Delio-attica, Lega), in which Athens ended up exerting a real dominion (ἀρχή); in the beomic league dominated by Thebes, even if the federal governing body was on a representative proportional basis; in the calcidic alloy with center in Olinto. The second Attic League (378-77) was an attempt to overcome the old federal scheme, but the numerous defections and the serious political situation soon led to its breakdown (357-55). Philip II of Macedonia in the aftermath of the victory of Chaeronea (338) wanted to impose a federal union to the Greeks, but his attempt based on the Macedonian hegemony was short-lived, and still smaller than that of Demetrio Poliorcete to resurrect it to new life (303-302). The Hellenic alloy was more powerful and extended, in which it dominated (223-221) Antigonus Doson; even these leagues, which replaced the hegemonic city with a hegemonic nation (Macedonia), were short-lived. The most vital were the f. in which the equality of the federates was a strictly observed norm: the Achaean and the etheric league which, until they were eradicated by the Romans, were the most powerful political bodies in Greece. In the Hellenized countries of Asia Minor, one of the most important leagues was that of the Lycians established in the 3rd century. B.C. The alloys (κοινά) mentioned in epigraphic documents of the Roman imperial age, devoid of political significance, were centers of the emperor's cult.

In the Roman state they were called federates (lat. Foederati) the allied states of Rome who had entered into a pact (foedus / "> foedus) of friendship and mutual assistance.The first were the Latins, who compared to others had a privileged position, benefiting from the right of marriage and commerce with the Romans The pacts could be founded on equal bases (foedus aequum) or unequal (foedus iniquum): in the first case the bonds were reciprocal, in the second, the conditions were imposed by Rome. supplying military contingents to Rome, financial and administrative autonomy and the right to beat money, they could not make political and commercial agreements with each other.The federal system, along with the policy of direct annexation, was the instrument that Rome used to the control of Italy, until, after the social war (1st century BC), citizenship was extended to all the Italics.In the provinces, next to the civitates stipendiariae and all and liberae et immunes / "> immunes, there were the foederatae, under conditions similar to those of the Italian federates.

In modern times, the organization of states in federal or confederal forms experienced great development both from the point of view of the elaboration of political thought and as a current political form. It was above all with the birth of the United States of America (1787, federal constitution) that this form of state assumed a complete connotation. In the 19th century the phenomenon concerned above all central Europe, with: the Confederation of the Rhine (1806-13), an instrument of Napoleonic politics; the Germanic Confederation (1815-66), under the Austrian presidency, transformed into the Confederation of Northern Germany (1867-71), under the Prussian presidency; the Helvetic Confederation (1848). The Canadian federation (1867) and the South American federation of Argentina (1853), Mexico (1857) and Brazil (1891) were also born. In the 20th century, among others, Australia (1901), India (1947), the Federal Republic of Germany (1949) were established in federal states. Federal character, but with some confederal traits, had between 1922 and 1991 the constitutional order of the Soviet Union.

⟙ı∧🔥ᴏғ Cıɴᴛʀᴀ 2018 年 12 月 24 日 上午 4:35 
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Frohe Weihnachten 2017
Weihnachten ist nicht nur zu empfangen, sondern vor allem, sich im gegenseitigen Austausch der Liebe zu geben, so dass jeder ein Geschenk ist, das nicht unter dem Baum, sondern unter den Sternen der Himmel ohne Nebel zu finden ist. Frohe Weihnachten! ☃️🎄❄️🤶🎅 von dir