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2 people found this review helpful
196.8 hrs on record (9.9 hrs at review time)
Its Close enough to the original to feel fun and normal and has enough new content to be engaging.
Posted 7 September, 2024.
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63.2 hrs on record (45.3 hrs at review time)
Incredibly fun for just a silly little card game, big number does in fact mean a lot of Dopamine... oh ♥♥♥♥, is this how i got that gambling addiction...
Posted 3 September, 2024.
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39.4 hrs on record (28.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is an Incredible early release game with several interesting parts to it. Its Complicated at first as the gameplay loop is a bit difficult but once you get the hang of it, its rather enjoyable.
Posted 13 July, 2024.
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88.7 hrs on record (40.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Tanks, nuff said
Posted 10 April, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
46.5 hrs on record
Game Sucks, If your looking for a Hardcore PVP Tarkov is straight up better with somehow a less grindy experience.
Posted 9 March, 2024.
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966.4 hrs on record (922.4 hrs at review time)
Destiny 2 is a game about shooting pretty colors, That's it. If that interests you and you want to spend 300$+ on that, go ahead. That's all you should expect from the game in its current state.

Destiny 2’s story has gone on forever and is finally getting to the end of its penultimate story, the final act is upon us and the stage is set. Or atleast thats what Lightfall was supposed to be, instead its a constant attack of dialoge telling you how ♥♥♥♥♥♥ everything is and you need to go do a thing to fix it. What's that thing? Not important to go do it. Why are we in danger? Not important to go shoot some dregs. What the giant portal hole thingy in the traveler and why is everyone acting like we are ♥♥♥♥? Well you see thats because we are ♥♥♥♥♥♥, See not that hard, now go shoot some dregs. All of the content of destiny is pay walled now, what's that new raid? 60$ for the expansion, New dungeon? Another 20$ on top of that 60$. Random things they add as an anniversary, 30$ for a dungeon Plus you get a Meta Power Weapon quest and some cosmetics (that you have to grind one of the worst events in the game for). Every season? 15$ for a battle pass and access to the content for that season (You know the story because they can't work on the main story, pay us more for the half baked story here too.) Every update feels like it adds more story that really is conjecture, each season usually is something that is poorly told and has really no depth to it, Rarely they are fun. And even less have a compelling story. The game has 2 more season till the final chapter, and only now they decided that they should finally fix one of the worst parts about the game (Seasonal Content). They dont care nor focus on making a good game and instead work on making a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ content filler for whats going to be there Finally (Which we can pray might actually have some thought into it) But with how the company is moving to its new poster child, i have doubt that Destiny 2 will receive much of any though excluding more payed cosmetics and events. Destiny 2 is simply a cash cow that relies on a fan base believing that its eventually going to “Get Good” Like it started too in the With Queen.

If you aren't already a player in destiny 2, Avoid it like the plague, it's not worth trying to spend hours learning it and spending the ungodly amount it takes to get started, new player experience is worse then Escape from tarkov or Rust, and is less and less enjoyable for players who actually care about the niche lore that an average player could care less about.

If you are a D2 Enthusiast or were, and not too sure about getting back into the game, Dont. Don't see Final shape and believe that “Bungie might finally get their ♥♥♥♥ together”, wait for the game to speak for itself, because so far, it's been ♥♥♥♥.
Posted 6 July, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Overhyped, is just a waiting period for the final shape because why make a climax
Posted 3 March, 2023.
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52.2 hrs on record (52.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I would like to preface this with saying that this game has a lot of potential to be fun and something that I could enjoy. However given its current state the game is poor for replayability and enjoyability.

TLDR: Game has very little Replayabillity, AI is simple and annoying being either Dumb as ♥♥♥♥ or Botty as ♥♥♥♥. The Gun Systems are annoying because of the Sway and the PvP is Defined by the M99 as the only gun worth using.

PvP: The PvP element in this game feels like a game of see someone first and shooting them with your M99 first, The M99 is the primary sniper rifle in the game and can consistently 1 shot any targets at long ranges, this is important due to the ridiculous sway that all guns have, having to put multiple bullets down range becomes exceedingly harder after every shot and the longer you stay scoped, the only other weapon of interest is the UMP which has the most bullet damage of any full auto weapons too, making it the only answer for close quarters.

The Map Is Insanely large and is currently only a fraction of the size of what it's supposed to be, leading to long trips to and from areas, none of which are any different. The only real events in the game are a circle that highlights an area as an event of sorts, basically this spawns a bunch of AI (Which put a pin in that, we'll get to that later) The thing is that almost any one of them are the same. things like Heli Crashes are a bit more interesting in the fact that they can spawn anywhere. The problem is, this is the main gameplay loop between the game past PvP, very little else is available to do in the game. The thing is by having these as the only thing to do it gets very monotonous, even if they change this a bit would be nice and want to compare this to Rust, Rust has several PvE Encounters, With a Cargo ♥♥♥♥ and Circles the map but ultimately acts as a bunch of AIs, Cargo Rigs that have a bunch of AI, and a crate that calls in a bunch of Super Strong AI and then Launch with a M2 to fight for loot. and also a Heli that roams around the map that spawns occasionally. However I want to point out one thing about all of these above. They are all in support of PvP, Each one includes a PvE Function but afterwards the players need to defend their work, they are designed to support the main system of the game which is PvP. The problem is Deadside can't decide if it wants to be a huge mosh pit of Players or not, most servers can hold around 50, and with the map being so large it's hard for it to work, Cases work in the best way for this whereas events simply announce when they are done. Deadside can't seem to figure out how to add variety to its elements, nor can it decide if it wants those elements to support PvP functions of the game or Not.

Guns, I'll go ahead and say that i can be fine with an early and basic system for developing a basic frame to get items, i can say that weapons in this game are complete and utter ♥♥♥♥, When it comes to aiming there's this huge sway when you aim in for more that 3 seconds, it starts off a little but slowly exaggerates into huge swings, becoming unusable at nearly any range. which is a huge ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ problem when the AI, can Consistently shoot you at range, Scopes on Rifles make Zero ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sense to use because the sway is massive, the recoil is going to cause this sway to exaggerate more then usual, if you want to run a AR-15 and slap a scope have fun shooting 2 shots, because thats all that you can realistically hit at range. But wait, isn't there a hold breath function, Yes and it's also ♥♥♥♥, Its permanently bound to sprinting, meaning that if your are moving congrats your actually going to run instead of aim down sights, whats that your stopping to move to make a shot but your still slightly moving, Wrong your sprinting again. its so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ annoying and it never feels like it actually helps too. But don't worry even though it's hard for you so use a rifle at long ranges the AI has no Problem perfectly tracing you and spray an ak in burst of 4 to hit you once atleast and can perfectly trace you,

This game simply isnt fun with the AI at the current stand point, They are ethir so little of a threat that you can walk away or so much of one that you cant even run away, i feel like its sometimes impossible to simply take a heli crash from these ♥♥♥♥♥ who are wearing any armor usual with a default Iron AK47 and RPK who can 3 shot me at ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 200 meters out, yet i struggle to hold a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Scar and hit shots consitently with an acog attached to it. It's pointless because the AI is dumber than a brick or Botty as an aimbot. Not to point out but these bots at long range sometimes take more shots that the player does, An RPK can 3 Shot me Wearing the best armor in the game, yet they also take 3 shots wear there ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fatigues.

Meds in the game are in abundance and dont do ♥♥♥♥, PainKillers and Med sticks are the only good medications in the game and both require you to have Water and Food on hand to heal yourself, Bandages and wrapping exist but are more of a suggestion then anything, they heal minimal amounts over long periods. You can easily get wraps by tearing clothing which is going to be in abundance, and you can easily get the Alcohol to make sterilized rags which are “Better” But wont feel any different, this turns into gunfight with AI you just holding an angle Killing the ones that come through it, though you'll inevitably will get shot, and hope that it's not a mosin because those will one shot you regardless of armor, and then you'll sit in a corner praying that more dont come as you spam your 30 Rags on to your arm and slowly watch the number 30 crawl up to 100, Its meant to make fights tense with AI because you need to get Money to Buy Painkillers or Med Sticks later. But it really just makes fights longer and tedious. In the case of PainKillers you're just going to take 2 to get to max and then shove 3 cokes down your thoughts to make sure that you can take another 2 pain killers laters, it's faster but requires you to have more food which takes up already precious slots in your hotbar. However the cost of them is non-existent as the economy in this game is simple and you can easily rack up several hundreds of thousands of cash.

All in all the game is fine as an early access, however the problems with me fighting the guns, me sprint when i'm trying to aim a gun, and the AI being able to trace me perfectly through wooded forests and shoot me at long ranges with Irons makes in extremely hard to me to enjoy the game
Posted 12 November, 2022.
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77 people found this review helpful
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9.7 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Posted 29 July, 2022.
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47.1 hrs on record (15.3 hrs at review time)
Enjoyable, worth a try
Posted 16 June, 2022. Last edited 28 October, 2022.
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