Waco, Texas, United States
Although I don't stream much right now, you can check out my Twitch channel here: Twitch [www.twitch.tv]

And same goes with my YouTube channel here: YouTube
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✯𝕱𝖑𝖚𝖝✯ 27. jan. 2024 kl. 3:20 
20 years of Counter-Strike...sheesh...
AlliedArcher 23. juni 2022 kl. 10:28 
Hey I hope your doing well man been a long time but always wish the best for you
bittersweetsabs 8. aug. 2021 kl. 16:46 
It looks like Cuphead is a single player game :(
bittersweetsabs 26. maj 2021 kl. 4:48 
Sure! Any games in mind?
bittersweetsabs 25. feb. 2021 kl. 17:57 
I've been pretty good, how about you?
bittersweetsabs 23. okt. 2020 kl. 20:28 
Sure! I have been super busy lately though and Ian has taken over my desk... So I do not have my desktop available at the moment. My surface can only handle so much. :(