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投稿日: 2020年9月8日 4時10分

As a MEGA FAN of both Fortune Street and Dokapon Kindgom (and of course Mario Party as well), I was easily convinced to buy this game off the reviews.

However as a few other negative reviewers have pointed out, I concur that this game is nothing as good as Fortune Street or Dokapon Kingdom. While the wacky charm is certainly on point, the actual gameplay is quite shallow and mostly boils down to just rolling high and running at the goalpost over and over with very little decision-making for the players.

Even if you like Fortune Street and Dokapon Kingdom I do not recommend this game. It's tragically a very shallow diceroller-- I really wish it was as good as the reviews suggested but it just doesn't have any strategic complexity, there's really just nothing going on but rolling dice every turn with nothing to break it up.
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