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x.AVA 23. Aug. um 13:46 
a long time ago... a wizard went foraging through the forest. :d2lonedruid:
he found a big tree, he approached it and stood silently as if he was talking with the tree.

he was schizophrenic, like you :dobrovoletz:
SoulEater 17. Mai um 13:27 
draculaura ♔ 13. Mai um 11:59 
-rep slugging and tunneling
PinkesFlamingo 13. Mai um 3:33 
+Rep good Surv <3
Haptex 14. Sep. 2022 um 12:26 
говорит токсичный гей
Haptex 21. Aug. 2022 um 3:58 
a dinner sounds romantic...but im in a hurry rn so i would take the 2nd option,
and the first maybe next time