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게시 일시: 2017년 5월 7일 오후 1시 51분

I played Warframe when it was in Beta. Over 300 hours of game time and it was fun! Lots o' fun. Played it so much I burned out and moved onto other games. As time passed and talking to friends that still played WF, their comment was, "you are not going to recognize it."

Holy Smokes! Things have changed! Digital Extremes really stuck to their guns and put everything into WF and didn't stop.

The start of the game begins like DC Universe. I cringed at that thought until the story pulled it self into Warframe and Wow! What a blast! The core of WF gameplay is still there, but the over all world of WF has changed for the better. Much better!

I'm very happy with what has become of WF and highly recommend if you are looking for an online shooter that may be played Co-op or solo. Either way WF is a great game! Check it out!
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Professor 66 2017년 6월 1일 오전 11시 38분 
At least take a peak at Warframe. You might be suprised. I'm learning about the companions. Very cool.
bulletmagnet38 2017년 6월 1일 오전 11시 32분 
havent played warframe in forever I Think rhino was a new frame last time sounds like its worth a second look always had fun with it
Nar 2017년 5월 8일 오후 12시 02분 
Same! Was there a few months after open beta, game has changed a bunch and has gotten better c: