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Updated review for Enderal Special Edition.
It's running in Skyrim Special Edition Engine now. Otherwise it's the same game (including DLC), So shortened (seriously!) old review below. This is a AAA worthy Open World RPG (nothing to do with Elder Scrolls) which is also still completely free.

Works (again) fine out of the box. Installation like any Steam game. You only have to own Skyrim Special Edition on your Steam account. Enderal SE (steam) doesn't mess with it in any way.

"Old" Enderal Savegames are compatible . Gotta move "saves" directory from documents\mygames\Enderal to EnderalSE. Achievements are not carried.
Some Enderal gameplay mods still work fine, many other may need an update (happening already) Mods i usually use: Yeros Cellar - Stick Puzzle Cheat (doesn't work, see issue 4 for solution), Enderal Ultrawide UI (because SkyUi still can't be arsed) and a fast travel mod. There is a Morrowind-esk Travel sign system but i'm lazy.
There are other mods available to customize the combat. Faster arrows and stuff.

Performance is better. Can't be arsed to benchmark how much. Stays mostly slapbang on my Vsync 75fps. in 3840x1600 and Veryhigh/Ultra settings (8700k, 3070, 32gb) . They claim about 30% FPS+. Never had stability issues in either version.
Also should look (even) somewhat better.Skyrim SE engine fixed for example the horrible LOD of ye olde Skyrim engine. Like static distant rivers and waterfalls!

Old review (144hours)
And they call it a mod!

Let's treat it as a real game. It is. It only uses Skyrims Engine.
It has also absolutely nothing to do with Skyrim or the Elder Scrolls. World, visuals, story lore, character system....it is it's completely own game.
It's not "good for a free game" or "good for a mod". It is just "good" Very good. It genuinely is one of the best Open World RPG out there. It would be even for $$$.

The concept is somewhere between the absolute character and playstyle freedom of Skyrim with it's weak story VS. the very limited character and playstyle freedom, of the Witcher 3. Which is the price you pay for it's amazing story and quests. So Enderals quests and Main story are also somewhere in between. A good compromise in my opinion.
It just feels incredibly professional. Also has mostly excellent voice acting (can only judge for english and german) . The ... special one you hear at first, has a reason.

DLC (included):
2new faction questlines, fleshing out the game beside the main story. Both are quite good and long. The Rhalaim one a bit better imho. Do arena to start.
Also 2 new skill trees. A complex Companion summon system and a Werewolf one. You have put a lot of memory points in it to make them useful. So imho it's a late game thing, after the important class skills.

So where do you notice it's a mod made by a small team in their free time and not by a massive Bethesda dev team? What are it's "issues"?
1. Size. Although that's not cause it's small, it's just because Skyrim is so damn big. It still has a large world, with several completely different regions. NOTHING is recycled from Skyrim.
Main story is good and long. But you don't have all the many factions and side quests of a Skyrim. Still the DLC added some.
2.Location usage... There are tons of dungeons of different kinds all over the world. Many of them, in remote areas, are not part of a quest or have one built in. These dungeons still tell little stories, give good rewards (should be more), and are unique and handmade. No Skyrim blueprint caves.
3. To avoid spoilers i just call it "The Mass Effect Issue".
4. A personal opinion one: A quest early in the game, to do with locks and 5 wooden sticks and a time limit. It's really annyoing. It's not how they do quests in the rest of the game! little edit: The mod doesn't seem to work. To skip the step: open console, type "setstage mq02 80" That moves the quest to the next step. Gotta TCL through the door though.
5. Also personal: I don't really like the book-based skill and crafting system. It feels needlessly cumbersome and messy.

There are a LOT of Open world (RPG) games out there that don't reach the level of this free "mod". It is also way beyond mods like New California (still ok, bit clunky) , both in size and quality. And performance. You like Skyrim-ish, Witcher-ish games, you should try it. Mods don't get much better than this. Or easier to install and use. Or freeer.
(The non-SE Enderal edition on Steam works fine if you only have old Skyrim and a good PC).
There is a nice, spoiler free review (older version) from Gopher, after a 100 Episode let's play on it. https://youtu.be/Mds5I6VyXR8
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41 saat oynandı
Here we have a really good story. Genuinely impressed. World, Lore, dialogues (no voice acting) ... all very good. Trapped in a utterly mediocre game.

And not just mediocre in terms of bugs and glitches. But also in concept.

It's a kinda real timy Fallout system, which i would like if it worked better.
But they piled just about every (annyoing) game feature on the bad combat, they could possibly think of!

A tedious hunger/thirst mechanic, stamina, fast weapon degradation, jamming guns, inv weight limit in the really clunky inventory... oh and TONS of minigames (you know, these hip things that bored us all to death 10 years ago),
you name it, they have it.
Less feature diarrhea, some streamlining, bug fixing and maybe adjustable diff level to make the bad combat less impactful... It could have been SOOO much better!
Longer version
The good:
I love the setting, the general concept. Kinda Fallouty/Atom RPG-y Not turn based combat but real time 3rd person one. With an interesting setting. Together with a skill system (limited) stealth and hacking and crafting and all that good stuff.The story is sole reason for the thumbs up!

Because... here comes the bad.

The biggest one: The combat system, especially ranged, is just ... ♥♥♥♥! Sorry, there is no better word for it. The whole line of sight (shoot) and hitboxes is a massive mess. It seems completely random wether you can hit something or your shot is blocked by... something. Like a belthigh rail.
Melee is a bit better. and pretty basic. the basic stealth system is ok (and even fun) in some areas, but many others are so designed that it is useless. There is even the occasional hint of a disguise system.

Also the camera perspective is weird. It third person but you can't look up or down. It mostly works, but sometimes it's rather annoying. Weird decision.

It also has a companion system (pretty late into the game), but it's pretty useless because you get stuck in corners and hallways behind them every 5 minutes.
Weirdly the occasional story driven companion can be shoved out of the way. With your own ones it's reload.

Oh and every time you die you get like up to a minute long unskippable cutscene before you can reload. Which can be fun in(few) luckbased forced stealth sections. You're literally faster restarting the game.

I use a trainer to disable Hunger/thirst and weapon degradation. It's just busywork.

It's also not exactly bug free. Patches seem to be rare. Some issues like some unturnoffable music (tied to environment, NOT the music volume... Not translated russian bit and pieces (not too bad, it's not in dialogues)... People also complain about broken quests, I had none.
Achievements also don't work.

It reminds me a bit of Seven, Days long gone. (or now Seven Enhanced Edition) While i had some personal issues with that, it is vastly better and more professional game. But has a very weird camera perspective. Which i find actually worse.
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voyage23 9 Nis 2022 @ 15:36 
andy ur the day z bi tch
Michael 22 Ara 2018 @ 20:26 
About your comment on the DayZ forums: I have been perma banned from there, so think about that if you choose to recommend the game to others. I violated no rules I merely joined the DayZ Player Refund Group on steam. Apparrently that can be a bannable offense. They say the don't censor people there...
5Andysalive 7 Eyl 2018 @ 12:41 
Jo. alles bevor sie es trotz nichtstun mehr oder weniger ruiniert haben :)
Dark-Chummer 7 Eyl 2018 @ 11:02 
Wilde DayZ-Spielzeit, die du da hast.
5Andysalive 8 Nis 2018 @ 19:42 
no. I'm not gonna until there are server options and admin tools.
KOSLIK1234 8 Nis 2018 @ 10:55 
wait your running another server again???vvv