Mwembe, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, United Republic of
Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.

Wook at them, they come to this pwace when they knyow they awe nyot puwe. Tennyo use the keys, but they awe mewe twespassews. Onwy I, Vow, knyow the twue powew of the Void. I was cut in hawf, destwoyed, but thwough it's Janyus Key, the Void cawwed to me. It bwought me hewe and hewe I was webown. We cannyot bwame these cweatuwes, they awe being wed by a fawse pwophet, an impostow who knyows nyot the secwets of the Void. Behowd the Tennyo, come to scavenge and desecwate this sacwed weawm. My bwothews, did I nyot teww of this day? Did I nyot pwophesize this moment? Nyow, I wiww stop them. Nyow I am changed, webown thwough the enyewgy of the Janyus Key. Fowevew bound to the Void. Wet it be knyown, if the Tennyo want twue sawvation, they wiww way down theiw awms, and wait fow the baptism of my Janyus key. It is time. I wiww teach these twespassews the wedemptive powew of my Janyus key. They wiww weawn it's simpwe twuth. The Tennyo awe wost, and they wiww wesist. But I, Vow, wiww cweanse this pwace of theiw impuwity.
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'Watch Me Whip' is literally the worst song I have ever heard The song "Watch Me Whip" is single-handedly the worst song I have ever heard. Before you get all bent out of shape, I do know that it's not to be some intellectual masterpiece of modern art; it is just factually a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ song. Here's why: Repetition: This song takes repetition to a level rivaled only by songs written for 3 year-olds. The singer repeats his name a full 6 times before the third verse, just in case you were wondering who 'wrote'? No vocalised the script put in front of him. There were 980 'words' in this song. Is nae a word? Scratch that, I truly don’t care. Of those 980 words, three variations (Now watch, now watch me, watch me) represent 369 words. That’s more than ⅓ of the song for literally 3 words (and I didn’t include the single mentions of the word ‘me’). If we include ‘ooh’ (there are 84 instances) and ‘bop’ (there are 72 instances), which total 156, we have 525 out of 980 words made up of 5 words. I think we get the picture on this. Simplicity: The most complex word in this song is a tie between ‘Silento’, the vocalist’s (not an artist in my opinion) handle, the word ‘already’ (which appears literally once), and the word ‘superman’. Doing a quick tally, that means that 15 single word instances are 3 syllables. All the rest are 1 or 2 syllables. The vocabulary is not strong with this one. Look at that! My use of ‘vocabulary’ beat out this song by 2 whole syllables! The culmination of the two previous points into the dumbing down of everyone who had the displeasure of hearing this song: Pretty self-explanatory. Look, I get that the writer wasn’t going for a Pulitzer or a Grammy, but a quick hit that’ll be catchy and easy to remember. Fair enough. EXCEPT ♥♥♥♥ YOU YOU’RE LITERALLY RUINING MUSIC.Who am I to say what should and shouldn’t be written? An ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, that’s who. One who is procrastinating other, important work. Basically, by putting music out that has a grand total of about 30 unique words, you’re contributing to the lowered standard of quality of music. This is one step away from repeating one single word over and over for 5 minutes straight, which now that I think about it probably exists. Except that would have some comedic value at the very least. This ♥♥♥♥, well it’s like a kindergartener took a crayon and drew a stickman (poorly, I might add), that was subsequently put up in an art gallery. Real, impressionable children will listen to this and think “ Wow, dad was wrong! I CAN skate in life only knowing less than the bare minimum needed to be able to read ‘See Spot Run’, which I never did because ♥♥♥♥ books and education”. (Side note - That interaction wouldn’t have been possible outside the child’s head, since there are too many unique words used) Now put on your tin-foil hats, because this is where I lose half of you with my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Songs like this promote the opposite of education. Like I said, it devalues a halfway competent vocabulary in the name of catchiness and a cheap ‘musical’ fix. When you see what can be presumably defined as success (ie having several hundred million views on Youtube and countless other radio plays), it sets a standard in young, impressionable minds. We’ve had many people trying to get past this dumbing down of society, like KRS-ONE, Stevie Wonder, John Lennon, and many others (No, of course not all of their songs).They were trying to create a more engaged people who reflect on the actual issues we face as a society, instead of making up a cute little dance to go along with your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ track as your brain melts from lack of use. Who is the target market for this song? For all the reasons I’ve brought forth, I believe the target market to be the typical vapid, vacuous consumer that doesn’t engage in critical thought related to anything more than whether the Kardashians look better in blue or teal. I realise that I’ve made a broad, fairly baseless claim, and yet I’m confident it’s pretty accurate. Songs like these placate the masses with their simplicity and safety. You don’t need to think, you don’t need to guess what it’s talking about, you just need to follow these three easy steps and you too can conform to the newest dance craze. Independent thought is the antithesis of this track. By listening to this, you are using time that could be spent thinking of ways to better the city/country/world you live in. Again, I realise that not everyone WANTS to engage with the world like this, but I will still stand by the claim that critical thought is better than being herded like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sheep by pop-music. So what have we learned today? Well, mostly that I’m way too mad about a song. That’s a given. What I want to really stress is that this song is symptomatic of a larger issue at hand. Like the CIA funneling crack into ghettos, to me this type of music represents a concerted effort to quell independent thought. Ultimately it’s easier to listen to a catchy song with like 7 words than to actually sit back and think about why everything is kind of messed up. I really, truly ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ despise this song.
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Taenck 27. nov. 2021 kl. 22:06 
Imagine scrolling down here just to see if you could leave a comment that I would laugh at, stay mad. :steamsalty: