過去 2 週間: 0.8 時間 / 記録時間: 8.9 時間 (レビュー時に3.5時間)
投稿日: 2023年11月19日 7時37分
更新日: 4月17日 14時35分

I really do like the game
But here is a real review.
Bugs,crashes,bad audio, bad AI, no multiplayer, not really satisfying when you kill someone, the game has a good concept but a really bad execution.
Im my opinion if it were mole polished it would make an awesome game, but at this stage not really.

6 months later.
The game has been updated.
Still some bugs, much less crashes, audio is better, ai is much better,
but sadly no multiplayer.
The concept is good as i said before, execution is getting better.
It's still rough around the edges but it has been polished and for 10$ you should pick it up at this stage.
multiplayer is a must!!
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