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Upplagd: 18 sep, 2024 @ 0:11
Uppdaterad: 18 sep, 2024 @ 0:25

Overview 香港人嘅你,睇呢篇文就冇錯㗎啦。

It is a great concept for a modern racing game, but it will become “another racing game” in its current state (Sep 2024). The game is flawed with its graphical optimization, car list, progression, pr, and server issues.

Map 地圖

As a local Hong Kong resident, the map is as good as it can gets. If you took a look around with locals reviewing the game, they are harsh on the game whereas I am quite easy with it. I think the map is fine as it is, it is not a 1/1 replica which most Hong Kong people expect it to be.

However, there’s one major issue is that the game failed to capture the accent of Hong Kong. It is not dynamic, and everything feels, ai generated, it lacks character, the map is simply just “there” instead of being present to the player. Whereas in comparison to Sleeping Dog, a 10-year-old game now, does capture the liveliness of Hong Kong and the maps never feel empty.


仲繼續睇緊嘅你,咁我就繼續講落去。地圖還算可以,我住咗喺港島廿幾年,大多數嘅位置都認得出。但係不過,成個遊戲嘅感覺都非常之清靜,係~啲霓虹燈即使放晒喺你面前嘅時候,成個城市都仲係有嗰一種空虛感,同十幾年前整嗰隻Sleeping Dog仲差一段距離。

Driving & Car List 駕駛物理&車款選擇

When the physics is working properly, it feels brilliant, every car has its own character, and this feature is not presented on other modern racing game such as Forza. However, the inconsistency of the physics does drive me crazy, the handling is unpredictable, especially during races which is a huge red flag for me.

Car sounds are pretty good, but high revs are misrepresented for majority of the cars. They all simply sound like dying animal at high rev because there’s no rev limiter.

Now, the car list. I understand the goal of the game is to present the “luxury lifestyle”, but, when Hong Kong is presented, with NO JAPANESE CARS, NOW THAT IS A CRIME. It is the same equivalent of going to China Town and found out there are only burgers and coke and not a single egg fried rice in sight. PLEASE GIVE US OUR HONDAS.




Graphic Optimization & Server 畫質(優質化)&伺服器

I have an ancient PC, i7 6700K / GTX 1070 8GB / 16GB RAM. I understand modern games would run mediocre on my system, but this is outrageous. On a good day, it would run on 40 fps INCONSISTENTLY, but most of the time, I would say 20 fps and consistently freezing here and there.

I installed my game on my hard drive instead of SSD, which the developers recommend their player to do so. I consistently get frozen during mid race/cruise because the map is not loaded in. MIND YOU, IN THIS SITUATION, THE AI WOULDN’T CARE AND SIMPLY JUST CARRY ON WITHOUT YOU, DESPITE YOU BEING FROZEN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RACE, WHICH, MAKING WINNING RACES, IMPOSSIBLE.

One more thing before I move to the PR issue is, you cannot pause your game during any event no matter the circumstances, which makes it very annoying all the time.

事先先明,小弟部電腦都上咗一把年紀,i7 6700K / GTX1070 8GB / 16GB RAM。呢隻game窒到我仆街,正常嘅時候都有大約30-40fps, 但好多嘅時候,都會跌返到大概20fps左右,仲要是不是窒下你。|


另外呢個係可能係我個人嘅問題,佢哋developers係建議我哋將隻遊戲裝喺SSD instead of HDD。我自己裝喺普通Hard Drive嘅情況底下,當然會影響到我隻遊戲有時候會窒吓窒吓。同時之間,另外一個非常之戇鳩既Feature就係,當你個地圖load唔到嘅時候,隻game會令到你架車停低,之後你啲對手完全當你唔存在,不斷超你車。係一個AI已經有問題嘅情況底下(聽聞嗰啲AI全部都好似盲亨咁撚快),每一場嘅賽事都會變得更加吃力(或者更有挑戰性xd)。


Now, this is a personal issue between the dev and me, if you are a general consumer, you could ignore this paragraph as I don’t think it contributes anything to the game.

I am supportive of the action that the dev is working hard on the game at this moment (I think lol, they went on strike few days ago). The culture and work ethic is different around the globe, we, Asian, are very task-oriented and focus on efficiency for any project that we work on.

Now, from all the inconsistent “newsletter” we got before the release, it was already a walking red flag for me. And now, they claim to have “future improvement”, and the update will be released “soon”. I am a big-time hater of articles that contain word salad, which means points and tasks are not being pointed out directly and clearly.

This game doesn’t feel like a passionate project but rather a cash grab from its name and the quality of the game does reflect.



工作態度呢一門學問真係見仁見智。但係咁講,俾咗錢去買隻遊戲,我都expect呢一班人係有心去做隻遊戲,而唔係求其hea啲fans, 得過且過就叫做交咗功課囉。

Conclusion 總結

There are too many issues to be addressed, but out of love and respect. I do wish this game to improve in the future.

The goofy car tuning where a 812 could reach 500km/h is outrageous to me. It is quite ironic that they always claim and aim for a realistic experience when things like that could happen.

Moreover, last weekend I was lucky enough to spare a few hours before sleep for some gaming, and turn out the server was down, and it wasn’t available till Tuesday. Which means the server was down for 3 days. Kind of a sacrilege if you ask me why Hong Kong is not being prioritized for a game that took place in Hong Kong.



Final Rating 2/10
最終評價 2/10

I would give a 1 for this game but I feel like 1 is too disrespectful as I can see the potential in it.

It is quite disappointing considering that most of us use our hard-earned money to buy games and receive a flawed product.

Huge ambitions from a small company with goal of making the perfect game will always lead to disastrous result. In this case, I do hope the game will mature over time and fulfill its audience's desire.

最後評分 2分,因為我覺得1分好似太mean, 同埋始終我覺得隻遊戲係有佢嘅潛力,都希望佢哋有心繼續在整好隻game.

Note : This is my first time writing a Steam review, English is not my main language and I tried my best to proofread and deliver my ideas as clearly as possible. Any healthy discussion is encouraged in the comment session. Hope everyone has an awesome day 😊

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9 kommentarer
Effct 23 okt, 2024 @ 5:46 
they have a lot to do, especially improving Hong Kong as how it should be, and cars that the list right now is just irrelevant and so lackluster to this date
Plast!c 25 sep, 2024 @ 22:42 
加载唔到地图D ai diver继续超车果段真系笑到我嗨甘哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
D.C.COOPER 25 sep, 2024 @ 10:58 
8[&] 25 sep, 2024 @ 4:02 
六月Demo之後知佢地咩料啦 , 冇買啦 , 係佢官網報登入問題 , 兩日唔夠話resolved , 但問題照舊 , 而且冇任何文字交代 , 代理Nacon 同 Developer KT Racing , 算X數啦 , 根本冇資源同能力做online only , onnine only就得.
Mystic 25 sep, 2024 @ 1:44 

對呢隻GAME 期望係有 , 但而家黎講算係失敗

官方做野 係令我最失望

但係基本上 係連唔到玩家 ,
又可以做咩事 發生咩事都好

除左出左一篇話日後會有300個補丁 講到識飛咁 ,咁又點
我自己就未見過一隻算係大廠既ONLINE GAME , 可以同玩家之間既溝通可以差成咁

我自己打機要求唔算高 , 過左個伺服器問題之後 都算 , 最近玩到某D BUG 真係激撚死
架車剷草 或者走過D 凹凸位既時候 , 如果比AI 放魚雷 各種 飛天遁地 真係嚇死我自己

雖然係咁 , 但我都尚算 中意呢隻GAME
而家每日都呆住等 隻GAME更新

上星期既今日 佢又係無預告之下 忽然黎個維護
希望佢今日維護 順便更新埋啦

睇到太陽酒店入面 第一季開始 仲有7日後 ,
daisy cutter 24 sep, 2024 @ 20:24 
No VR support?
Jaeger Pilot 24 sep, 2024 @ 9:43 
Very good review!
I am currently trying to play, but get disconnected from the lobby every time I try to start a race. A game you can't play doesn't deserve a high score.

And I also drive a MB. :steamhappy:
P4lmer2022 24 sep, 2024 @ 6:01 
2/10 is very underrated.............
terrymcgrady 22 sep, 2024 @ 20:55 