( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>tfw no gf
ba baga-mi-as pula peste ma-ta in casa daca te scutur odata cad pulele din tine ca merele din pom in 2 secunda luati-as toata rasa in pula de la maimuta la windows 8 da-te-n rasa si familionu ma-tii ca-ti bag pula in gingie pana faci ca maimuta dilie pe tine te-a crescut ma-ta in orfelinat te-a legat cu lantu de pat si te-a batut cu biciu peste nas daca merg in maini iti fac in ciuda vezi ca ai gura intro parte nebunule bai corp urat nu vezi ce cap de bidon turtit ai luati-as familia pe carici sa imi bag pula in rasa ma-tii de copil batut de soarta care esti daca iti fut un pumn iti fac garaj in gura curva masculina ce esti baga-mi-as pula in gatu ma-tii ca te rup in 2 nu vezi ca iti fac sobolanii hunga bunga in stomac iti fac paianjenii bora bora pe perete iti patineaza buricu de foame iti fermenteaza sperme intre dinti esti neiesit din casa de 2 primaveri si 3 ierni futu-ti mortii ma-tii de pisat la cur ce esti caca-m-as pe fata ta de copil imatur ce esti da-te-n mortii ma-tii de cioara matrafoxata ce esti sa te fut in gura de copil malformat sa ma cac in pizda ma-tii cu bucati de pula intra pula-n curu tau ca metrou in depou baga-mi-as pula in ma-ta pana ii fac pizda tunel de metrou parerea mea e sa va duceti toti in pula mea ca e destula pentru toata lumea sa-mi luati cacatu la polizor pana va sare pana in ochi baga-mi-ati limba-n gaura curului sa-mi gadilati hemoroizii sa-ti iau toti mortii in pula de obosit baga-mi-as pula in natia ma-tii ca bag cutitu in tine futu-ti parintii ma-tii de ghertoi ai nasu ala zici ca e stop de trabant ai urechile alea zici ca esti taxi-u cu usile deschise daca iti fut un pumn in gura iti fac compartiment intre masele vezi-ti dreacu de amaraciunea ta ma saracie ce esti te daram din temelii cand vb eu tu taci ma caine ce esti ca imi bag pula peste ma-ta in casa
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Monolith 14 Mar, 2022 @ 1:09pm 
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are

im proud of u bro

love festool
Monolith 7 Dec, 2021 @ 10:43am 
🎽"This 💃 is 🎍 a 👳 great, 👾 as 🥗 long 🏓 as 😺 you 🐛 don't 👔 make 💄 me ⚡ smell 🎁 Uranus. 💗 Heh 🥒 heh." 💙 -Fry 📒 🚘 "I 🐊 don't 🌸 get 🎈 it." 🔋 -Leela 😺 🍆 "I'm 🌏 sorry, 🚕 Fry, ⛳ but 🏀 astronomers 🌋 renamed 🌏 Uranus 💚 in 👳 2620 🎍 to 🥞 end 💙 that 🚗 stupid 🍧 joke 📕 once 🚙 and 📀 for 👽 all." 🐝 -Professor 🚘 🍖 "Oh. 🌂 What's 💛 it 🐳 called 🎄 now?" 🥒 -Fry 💎 🌽 "Urectum." 📕 -Professor 👹 Bender: 📗 I 👑 can't 👔 keep 🥗 running 🕺 people 👃 over. 🌂 I'm 🌳 not 🏀 famous 🎽 enough 🐝 💛 🍆 to 🚗 get 🐛 away ⛳ with 🌽 it.🌸
itanvolverIg 29 Apr, 2021 @ 2:59am 
hello mate, can you send me friend request? I have something for you
Muramar 1 Mar, 2021 @ 4:17am 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
Zap 27 Dec, 2020 @ 8:26am 
Monolith 27 Nov, 2020 @ 6:50am 
On this day many years ago the SLATTY PILGRIMS sailed across the ASSlantic HOEcean in a quest to find more CUCKS to SUCK! Together with the NAUGHTY NATIVES , they gathered around the dinner table and had our nation’s very st GANG BANG! We honor their ORGY every year by giving THANKS to all that’s important to us: Family , Friends , Freedom , and ♥♥♥♥! So grab your BUNS, squeeze those BREASTS, and shove a cornaCOPIOUS amount of ♥♥♥♥ into that hungry hungry HOLE!
After dinner,it’s time for CUMPKIN PIE!! Show Daddy how thankful you are and LICKK his WishBONE until he gets as HARD as PlyMOUTH rock and shoots his HOMEADE GRAVY ! Midnight starts BLACK FRIDAY so send this to THOTS you are thankful for! If you get back, sail to England If you get back, you’ll be getting your corn CREAMED . Get back or more, and the BIGGEST, GIRTHIEST, BLACK FRIDAY ♥♥♥♥ is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ YOUR WAY AT MIDNIGHT