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Скорошни рецензии на Latulium

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718.3 изиграни часа
GG Valve, starting matches with 4vs5, not letting the team in disatvantage surrender until round 10, and then counting it as a loose. This is a game about matchmaking, but if the developers of 20 years don't give a ♥♥♥♥, or are still too incompetente to properly designt their game, why should you play it? If you want to get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you can just go to your local dominatrix.
Публикувана 18 октомври 2023. Последно редактирана 18 октомври 2023.
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Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Публикувана 21 февруари 2023.
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Waren die besten 10 Minuten meines Lebens.
Публикувана 11 август 2019.
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182.1 изиграни часа (181.1 часа по време на рецензията)
First off: All my Experiences are based on the base game, on official servers. The way the Devs originally inteded this game to be played!

Before i start ranting i have to give this game on big compliment: The Atmosphere:
Whilest looting in a big town, lurking for another player you saw, raiding a base, defending your own base or even just walking through the forest or sneaking through a city. DayZ has a fantastic atmosphere. It does a perfect job of delivering you a world that has long decayed. For the most part you don't even see any other player, yet you always feel watched, always careful of what you do, what noise you make or where you hide and rest. Loosing all your items + maybe even more important, your position on the map when dying makes you even more careful than other hardcore survival games out there.


This game does not feel like it has been 8 years in development. It is unfinished to the brim. It has so many technical and logical errors that its just not worth 40€ plus a DLC.
That means:
-Really bad servers: The official Servers are a joke. They constantly lag A LOT. Actions have 1-2 seconds delay. Player models lag back and forth. Cars are basically undrivable if the server has even a little lag because they just cannot be controlled properly anymore, move left and right and up and down. Zombies glitch around, get stuck in their own AI. This is not an extreme example, I am not talking about overpopulated or full servres, this is the daily basis of the DayZ Official Servers and it is unacceptable.
-Vehicle driving: As said above it has alot to do with the DayZ Servers, but since they almost always bad, this issue is always there. Vehicles are a mid - late game feature which is for the most part unusable.
-Zombie AI: It's just bad. They run around you, get stuck in animations, lag around or just straight up stop and do nothing anymore. Fighting them feels like a fever dream, you mash buttons and that just does the trick.
-Item Endurance System: Every Item has a Endurance value which ranks from Pristine -> Worn -> Damaged -> Badly Damaged -> Ruined. Ruined Items are completely destroyed, cannot be repaired and will despawn quickly. For most Items this System is a joke. It is beyond any realism to have a Pristine Hammer break after hammering 20 Nails. Yes, this encourages players to farm stuff, but honestly for the most part it is just an annoying System. Who wants to look for 20 Hammers because one Hammer breaks after hammering 20 nails and is not repairable anyway?
-Penalty wait time for disconnecting: These Servers are so bad, we sometimes get disconnected from the server 2 times in 10 Minutes. Why is there a little penalty wait time when that happens. Fix your game/servers and THEN add such penalties.
-There is no really good way of defending a base. The only way to lock a door is to put a 4 Digit Combination lock onto it and tell your friends the code. It's just annoything to handle and also it is brute forcable. Around 2 Hours for a 4-digit code lock, which is the highest there is. I guess this point is strongly debatable, but just adding a tribe/group system would make playing together sooo much less annoying.

This Game is a technical Nightmares, you should get paid 40€ for playing it not otherwise, its a joke. And there even is a DLC. The Devs don't seem to care about it, they are just money hungry. Please do not encourage this way of game development.
Публикувана 3 февруари 2018. Последно редактирана 2 януари 2023.
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