八尾 | Yao | cheat
-.-   Yao, Osaka, Japan
"Пока мы говорим, уходит завистливое время: лови момент, как можно меньше верь будущему."

1. I do not add people with level 0.
2. I do not add people with free2play games.
3. I'll take the links you send me.
4. Know the value of things.
5. Don't exchange in the negative.
6. Your gaming activity must be a minimum of 500h.

Silver 1 [+]
Silver 2 [+]
Silver 3 [+]
Silver 4 [+]
Silver elite [+]
Silver elite master [+]
Gold nova 1 [+]
Gold nova 2 [+]
Gold nova 3 [+]
Gold nova 4 [?]
Master guardian 1 [+]
Master guardian 2 [+]
Master guardian elite [ [+]
Distinguished master guardian[ [+]
Legendary eagle[+]
Legendary eagle master [+]
Supreme master first class [+]
Global elite [♥♥♥♥]

Thanks for all that took into account. / Спасибо , что всё это учли .
Sin conexión
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