Crab Person   Greeneville, Tennessee, United States
Hey there peopel of the internet, my name is PotatoGod. I am here to tell you... uh...(in distance) LINE?!(back to mic) *clears throat* I am here to tell you that I am a crab person, if you couldn't tell lel. Be my friend if ya wants to...it has all my pernits n' such.

PotatoGod is Outie 5000 CYA!

penis_5G 2014 年 7 月 15 日 下午 10:43 
pooty pooterson poot moot shoot of da fruity toot poot lolololololololololololl.avi fdhaiocjnffn≈®´Í‰ÎÇÏˇ◊˝ıÓ˜ÔÒ◊ωʹfi稡∫©ø¬¥¨√®∂∆rSDUFEYCNUDSOniofcawfn Slutty donuts poot fest of face-melting sneezes from the Jesus man from Taco Bell that poot in the CRAB PEOPLE lol

© Potato Messiah 2014 lolololol
penis_5G 2014 年 7 月 15 日 下午 12:32 
Booty.avi Mcbooty oollolobfdihkaroehgdhognofjdouhjungeitjgteetigntdtgfdjjkjk chincken mcbooty ruidy tooty for ta butty dsmvfkesoiwgweojtgiow ejoijewcm ksdnnsio pfnds jxk sno booty loloolololljnfollooolvbolobgflollolloolololbololollololololololololollololololooolloloblolololoololololoollllololoololololololololollolololloololtoyooolloloolloloolollolooltloolyollolotolylotoytloytoltlotyloyllttylloytolytoltyltytrslrgjhrthrtjhfdipjhopieherjb;odjbgeropjmgopriejgierjmoperbooobtytjoihsgfoihlknjprthjgpmjnboootyfgjddngdfnghndlknhih;orkrt; fruity mctooty
penis_5G 2014 年 7 月 15 日 上午 4:37 
Bootis ololololol yolo sweggy booty Potato Messiah wuz here lololoolloollolololololbvfdjnfbvnbgjnfddnbnozdfjif;ddfo CRAB PEOPLE
penis_5G 2014 年 7 月 11 日 下午 11:12 
Wanna be friends then? For teh booty :3
penis_5G 2014 年 7 月 11 日 下午 10:51 
Good. Why are we talking like this if we can just do it if we're Steam buddies?
penis_5G 2014 年 7 月 11 日 下午 10:49 
Why are we talkin' about booty :3 so much? Is it because we're not fat and gay like Gabe Newell and his expensive prices for keys?