Alexander Steele
Andros Andreas   Hampshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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Review Showcase
85 Hours played
I looked at the game description and this really as good as that..?
Well I can honestly say that it really is !
Dont be put off by the retro graphics. There is really so much to do in this pixel rpg. So much so that I have a great big headache. In a good way.

You start of as a very inexperienced mage commanding one creature and slowly work up to being in command of up to six creatures who fight for you in turn based battles.

The battles themselves may seem simplistic but you sometimes have to decide between attacking an enemy or attempting to steal a creature core. Steal 3 cores from the same creature and later on when you return to your castle you can create the same creature to join your ranks in your spell chamber.

All dungeons are randomly generated which includes the quests. No game will ever be the same.
Also there is no level cap. All your minions level up and so do you. You can for instance be a 387th level Sorcery mage or a 2497 level life mage...(Yes I know this will probably take a very long time) you really can do this.

There are so many rescources to find to cast spells , craft items , level up gems...and probably others but I cant be bothered to mention those.

Also you can add buildings to your castle to gain new options such as an arena to fight in and an enchanter to do all gem and enchantery stuff in...ahem...any way what im trying to bloody tell ya...(Yes I know I said Bloody..I am British you know..) is buy this game...IT DESERVES YOU....

There is so much gameplay here for a measy £6.29 I feel that I have ripped of the devs.
I hope they keep on adding stuff to make this the biggest rpg/beardy/weirdy game in the world !!!...yes my friends and you will have only paid a pathetic £6.29.

No I dont know the developers and im not in anyway connected with them...although on a fundamental level we are all connnected my brothers and sisters I got to go and play more...I need to play this more...I must play more...must not sleep...sleep is for losers anyway.....hey is that you ron ?!!...oh sorry its my mum...anyway gotta go now for real.

10/10 Would lose myself in this gem of a game forever...

P.S On their website the devs said one of their goals was to create a game that you can play forever !!!...yes forever !..the fools I thought...dont be silly...erm well I think they were not can play this game forever....and much stuff to tell ya but im off now to play some more...farewell for real this time.....
Pepper 27 Jun, 2023 @ 4:04pm 
+rep really good!
MorZsolt 5 Feb, 2023 @ 5:30am 
grill or ♥♥♥?
kevnicky 8 Sep, 2022 @ 4:22am 
Hi I have awarded you a 'Take My Points' for a fantastic review. Also friend invite sent. :104:
Half the Sky 1 Jun, 2013 @ 11:13am 
Hope all is well, hadn't been on steam in ages (particularly since moving to London), but thanks for the games/passes a few months back. Hope all is well!.
Kelx 20 Dec, 2012 @ 1:53pm 
Thanks for the games. Happy Holidays!
WargamerMikeGER 22 Dec, 2011 @ 1:05am 
Thank you verry much! and Happy Hollydays to You ... its a pitty i am just busy with TU and SWTOR' s 30 days included period, so i guess it will take a while before i can start exploring that MMO.