Cantor's Diagonalization
Theorem: The set of real numbers between 0 and 1, (0,1)={𝑥∈ℝ | 0<𝑥<1} is uncountable.

1. Suppose (0,1) is countable.
2. Since it is not finite, it is countably infinite.
3. We list the elements 𝑥_𝑖 of (0,1) in a sequence as follows:
𝑥_1=0. 𝑎_11 𝑎_12 𝑎_13⋯𝑎_1𝑛 ⋯
𝑥_2=0. 𝑎_21 𝑎_22 𝑎_23⋯𝑎_2𝑛 ⋯
𝑥_3=0. 𝑎_31 𝑎_32 𝑎_33⋯𝑎_3𝑛 ⋯

𝑥_𝑛=0. 𝑎_𝑛1 𝑎_𝑛2 𝑎_𝑛3⋯𝑎_𝑛𝑛 ⋯

where each 𝑎_𝑖𝑗∈{0,1,⋯,9} is a digit.*
4. Now, construct a number 𝑑=0. 𝑑_1 𝑑_2 𝑑_3⋯𝑑_𝑛 ⋯ s.t.
𝑑_𝑛={(1, if 𝑎_𝑛𝑛≠1, 2 if 𝑎_𝑛𝑛=1.)}
5. Note that ∀𝑛∈ℤ^+,𝑑_𝑛≠𝑎_𝑛𝑛. Thus, 𝑑 ≠ 𝑥_𝑛,∀𝑛∈ℤ^+.
6. But clearly, 𝑑∈(0,1), hence a contradiction. Therefore (0,1) is uncountable.

0.20148802… 𝑑_1 is 1 because 𝑎_11=2
0.11666021… 𝑑_2 is 2 because 𝑎_22=1
0.03853320… 𝑑_3 is 1 because 𝑎_33=8
0.96776809… 𝑑_4 is 1 because 𝑎_44=7
0.00031002… 𝑑_5 is 2 because 𝑎_55=1
Hence 𝑑=0.12112…, which is not in the list. So, the list is incomplete. This is true regardless of how the elements in (0,1) are listed
cat 8 września 2024 o 17:20 
本来以为他是个 rapper
没想到竟是个 raper
freestyle 现在只有 style
没有 free
他的名字是 tae il
now he might go to jae il
他本来在 NCT
恐怕他给了 STD
他本来唱 cherry bomb
现在他的 career is bombed
Durian 18 czerwca 2024 o 14:06 
如果您正好在凌晨4:20在水槽中大喊大叫“ amogus” 69次,一個身材矮胖的叫媽媽的媽媽將毆打您,您將在一個名為孤兒院的地方醒來
Cappuccino 8 października 2021 o 17:20 
小强 23 kwietnia 2021 o 8:31 
+rep still gets whoop at nite
WoShiiPanda 31 marca 2020 o 18:09 
i am a hacker
Doge 16 grudnia 2018 o 10:22 
+rep Gets WHOOPED at night