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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 21.1 hrs on record (13.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Jul, 2020 @ 10:18am
Updated: 22 Nov, 2021 @ 3:10pm

Titanfall 2 was developed by former Call of Duty developers, which pleasantly surprised me, as I never got into multi-player in Call of Duty series. However, the combination of Pilots’ fast and agile movement, along with powerful Titans, shows that this multi-player style can be a bit more innovative, better, and enjoyable. And with an addition of short but quite enjoyable single-player, it is certainly worth your time and money, if you enjoy first-person shooters.

Please, keep in mind that I have already spent several hours on the Origin version before the Steam release, that is why I do not have as many hours as I would want.

The multi-player part is the main reason why many people play and love Titanfall. As Pilots, you choose your class, which gives you a different appearance and main ability, like grappling hook or teleport, which have a short cooldown. You can customize your equipment, and you have three weapon slots available. You have the main weapon slot for assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, and submachine guns. Then you have a slot for anti-titan weapons and sidearms. All weapons have their attachment slots, where you can equip different scopes or abilities (e.g. shoot while sprinting). You also have grenade types both against Pilots and Titans. The last thing you need to equip are passive abilities, such as fast health regeneration or wallhang, which allows you to hang onto the walls. The great thing about the leveling system is that if you do not wanna wait for a certain level to unlock a weapon, you can just buy it with in-game currency. You can also change the colours of your Pilot and weapons, and there are, unfortunately, cosmetic microtransactions.

Now, finally to the Titans. There are seven different Titans, and each one is unique, as their amount of health and shields are diverse, and they have different weapons and abilities. Unlike with your Pilots, you cannot change those things, as they are fixed. The only thing you can customize for Titans are three abilities, which might give you an additional dash, or extra electric smoke countermeasure against enemy Pilots. Each Titan can also equip another passive ability, which is unique and depends on Titan’s active abilities. And, of course, you can change your Titan’s appearance.
Game modes
There are several game modes, like Hardpoint, Capture the flag, Titan team deathmatch, or Pilot vs. Pilots. The interesting thing is that some game modes, like my favourite Attrition, have included AI. In this mode, there are 6 vs. 6 players, all of them can call Titan, and there are AI soldiers (human grunts, robotic spectres, and reapers) on both sides. You need to get 650 points by killing enemies. You get one point for killing AI, five for Pilots, and ten for Titan. There is also a co-op mode, Frontier Defense, in which four players protect the objective from the waves of enemies.

The gameplay is the same for both single-player and multi-player. You play as a Pilot which allows you to perform wall-running, double jumps, and slides. The maps are designed for that kind of movement, and you need to learn how to use it properly, or you will die. Precision and speed are the key to victory. Killing enemies while running on the walls is satisfying, and it makes you feel like you are some kind of supersoldier. I just cannot describe how much fun I had with the movement in this game compared to other multiplayer shooters. You need to use all the equipment and abilities I mentioned in the Customization section properly to win. You can instakill both players and AI with a melee attack, which is kinda cheesy sometimes. As Pilot, you are unstoppable until you encounter enemy titan. You will not last against them long if you will not run away or hide. You can take out Titan on your own, but it takes a while, and it is riskier, or you can call your own Titan.

How do you get Titan in the first place? You just need to fulfill objectives and kill enemies to lower down the counter. Once you control these monstrous and powerful robots you find out that killing enemies is way easier now, but at the same time, you have become the main target for the enemy team. My favourite Titan is definitely Ronin, as it has a sword for melee attacks and a powerful shotgun. Although its health is quite low, it is a very fast and mobile Titan, which deals with an enormous amount of damage in close combat. It can also slow down enemies with a shockwave. I just cannot get bored of killing other Pilots and Titans with this one. To give another example, Tone has cannon with explosive rounds, target-locking rockets, and can create a shield. All the Titans also have one ultimate ability, which they gain after time. The aforementioned Ronin has Sword Core, which electrizes his sword and empowers its attacks, while Tone has Salvo Core, which launches several deadly missiles.
The small skirmish between Pilots and AI becomes a large brutal battle after a few minutes. Titans are summoned and destroyed constantly throughout the match, and it might become chaos. You just run, killing everyone as an unstoppable force, and then you encounter three enemy Titans who just want to get rid of you already, so you summon your own Titan and engage in a fight with them. And that is exactly what I love about this multi-player.

The campaign lasts about six hours on the hardest difficulty, considering you search for all the collectibles. The hardest difficulty is the way to play the campaign because it forces you to be fast and precise, and you can take it as a preparation for the multi-player. The gameplay is the same as in multiplayer, and almost every mission has some interesting environmental twist, which makes it more enjoyable to play. Unfortunately, the story is uninteresting and the characters are forgettable. The only interesting character is your titan, BT-7274, as it has several humorous quotes, and your bond with it strengthens throughout the game.
Audiovisuals & Performance
The game looks fine graphics-wise, but there are better-looking shooters out there. There are several textures with lower resolution, but the most important things: enemies and Titans look great. Well, the design of the world, soldiers, weapons, and Titans is great overall. Animations are the best visual thing of this game, especially the executions which are available both for Pilots and Titans. There is nothing more satisfying for me then execute enemy Titan along with its Pilot with a brutal animation in the multi-player. The sounds are of top quality, as well. The soundtrack has a few good compositions which work well in some situations, but it is nothing special or memorable.

The game was tested with an i5 8300H, GTX 1060 6GB, and 16GM RAM, running at the high settings, at 80-100 frames per second, at 1920x1080 resolution. Both in multi-player and single-player. I have not encountered any drops below this framerate. The game still requires an Origin account, so you will have to deal with two launchers.

Titanfall 2 is worth even for the full price for the multi-player alone. With the Steam release, the game gained thousands of more new players, so now it is the right time to jump into the action. If you are looking only for the single-player experience, then I advise you to wait for a sale.

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Burger Beers 11 Jul, 2020 @ 12:15am 
iirc the weapon animations were made by hyper if anyone remembers that guy
AviaRa 9 Jul, 2020 @ 8:04am 
Thank you! Glad it helped a bit. :)
j4ze 9 Jul, 2020 @ 3:23am 
Informative review! Thanks!
sword 4 Jul, 2020 @ 8:45pm 
🌸 4 Jul, 2020 @ 11:29am 
Great review :heartoful:
Gadgetguy 4 Jul, 2020 @ 10:35am 
An excellent review. I have been wondering about this one for a while so I will have to pick it up soon!