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投稿日: 2022年6月8日 8時09分
更新日: 2023年9月27日 21時50分

OWI (developer company) does not want you to play the game and have fun. They have just aimed to sell the copies of the game. They does not care about the players. They killed the game with the new patch ICO. Before the patch game has many problems in itself tho. Server connection problems, very poor optimization, lots of bugs, server browser not showing up bug, the game was even ddosing your ip because of a bug. Yet OWI did not want to fix these problems, instead, they decided to bring new sections, armies and this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up ICO update. They are literally f*ckin with yall.

May the GOD bless the souls of those who still intend to play the f*ckin game !
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