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Senaste recensioner av eh

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4,582.6 timmar totalt (2,263.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
We all have that one game that we just fall in love with so dearly it becomes more to us than a game. For me, that is DotA 2. Every weekend, my friends and I would play the Saturday battlecup (we eventually got pretty good), and they are some of the best experiences of my life. While this game is very hard to learn and impossible to truly master, the journey is worth it. DotA is a lot like life. You have an idea of what you want to do and a plan to get there, but things change and get in the way, and those time, the times things get in the way, are when you can express yourself and show who you really are. That is what happens in every game of DotA. Your plans don't go perfectly, but then you get to adapt and show off who you are through a game that anyone can enjoy.
Upplagd 27 november 2022. Senast ändrad 24 december 2022.
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