United States
Ei tietoja.
6 261
tuntia pelattu
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
WARMoNsTeR17 26.3. klo 15.08 
awww mon petit croissant
ZombieMetalleux 26.3. klo 15.02 
j'aime bien tuer les cheater ^^
ZombieMetalleux 26.3. klo 15.01 
WARMoNsTeR17 13.3. klo 9.20 
find a way to play without complaining. I get two random team mates through the discord every time I play. Relax.
Arken 13.3. klo 8.57 
stop queing with low mmr teammates
Fart Slave 24 31.1. klo 16.14 
i have a great social life i work at a bar with like half of my friend group, and stating the obvious isnt crying nor does what u said negate the truth in my comment.