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4 av 16 (25%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Another Brick in the Node

Learn how to mine bricks. You can't build much from boards and stones
Upplåst 1 mar @ 4:28

Beams of Steel

Steel beams are the heart of modern architecture. But our requests are more modest. We'd like a couple...
Upplåst 1 mar @ 5:14


Start small. Make some Planks. All games start with this
Upplåst 6 jan @ 14:52


Unlock your first research
Upplåst 1 mar @ 5:14

Rebuilding the Ruins

Relive the abandoned city

Copper Mission Impossible

At this point, I started to run out of fantasy to come up with descriptions for achievements. Just complete "Copper Mission". Seriously

I Will Survive

Escape the dangerous volcano alive

Drilling for Black Gold

Set up your own oil production

Cristoforo Magellanus

Send the first expedition to who knows where, who knows why

Industrial Revolution

Build a Steam Engine Factory and take the first step into the future

Master of Masterplan Tycoon

It looks like you are Master of Masterplan Tycoon

Accelerating Progress

Unlock 50% of all upgrades

Even side of the street

Unlock 50% of unexplored buildings

Maximizing Efficiency

Unlock all upgrades

Odd side of the street

Unlock all unknown buildings


Unlock all researches