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2 people found this review helpful
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7.0 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
Updated review:
It's been 3 updates now since release (2 more than i expected) and the game became very slightly better.
To make it short: it is still god aweful. i won't elaborate on it now and leave my original review down below for details since almost nothing changed.
First-Person animations have improved. By that I mean they look less glitchy or as they were intended but still like the wrong guy was tasked with it.
Enemies are noticably less stupid.
Dead bodies almost never flop around at the price of making the act of carrying bodies even more of a chore.
Cutscenes still suck, even if the patch notes claim they have improved (I guess they did slighty), gunplay still sucks and on a technical level this is still on par with some 2010 slenderman fan game. It reeeaaally likes to stutter when loading something new, voicelines still cut off, even if much much less frequently and somehow loading times have increased.
So, better keep your (probably not so) hard earned money instead of buying this.
If the devs are reading this, you might aswell contact me directly, seriously, it really seems like you guys don't understand what makes a game fun or good.

Original review:
TLDR version: don't bother with this game.

Some comparisons for context:
the original
the remake
dated but pretty
smooth but not as pretty as could be
character animations
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ great
boring and generic
take a guess
not smooth but patchable

how excited i was about XIII getting a remake...
too bad it sucks.
what i personally liked about the original was the gunplay and the style of it and even though this is XIII with a new face they messed up both.
you can sprint for some reason, but you need it because your walking speed is slower or atleast feels like it.
the whole game feels slower and here's why:
- the janky enemy AI flinches for a long time
- the UI requires more input for proper weapon switching
the result? boringly easy 1 on 1 confrontations or tag team scenarios.
but that's just two things making the whole experience pretty bad.
the guns are not comfortable to use.
for example: when fanning the hammer with the revolver you use up all six shots, aiming is introduced and the guns are straight up useless when fired from the hip if the enemy is even at medium-close range, headshots are very powerful and almost required so you dont waste too much ammo so you need to slow down and take aim, you can't sprint out of crouching, even with auto-reload enabled if you switch to an empty gun you have to reload manually (may get patched, who knows), key items have to be picked up manually and so on and so on.
so now you know how the guns have been messed up, lets get to the presentation.
it's very bad.
sure, the graphics are a huge step-up, but even though the original XIII had very few polygons to show, they were used very well, the faces had all the details, the hands looked like hands, NPC animations were stiff but got the job done, guns looked as well as they could and the maps were servicable.
the remake kind of ♥♥♥♥♥ on all that.
NPC models dont look that good (speaking about everything below the neck), your hands are flat with thin sausage fingers, NPC animations... oh boy... they are pretty janky (enemies walking around wiggle left and right as if they just learned walking), guns are real pretty and detailed but look just a tad too realistic. the maps however look really good, you can easily tell that a lot of work went into those but that's got to be my only positive thing to say about this game (except for maybe the more precise presentation of footsteps).
"tell me about the cutscenes already!" you scream at the screen and i will.
right after a word from our sponsors-
no, seriously, the cutscenes have much less cuts, the people in them somehow look just as emotionless as in the original and there are much less frame in frame animations or blend-ins of comic panels.
in gameplay it's mostly the same but i was severly dissapointed to see that the 3-frame headshots don't really show the headshot happening but just show the hit in 3 not so different zoom levels, probably a technical issue.
all in all the game looks like it tries to be realistic with smooth shadows (which i don't like at all after the harsh 1-0 shadows in the original) and realistic textures but then it also slaps on thick black outlines here and there and still makes the "boom" and "tap" sounds look out of place.

to wrap up my rant: if you're STILL curious about the remake (somehow), i recommend you maybe replay the original and watch a walkthrough of the remake. save your money.

i swore to never write a second review on steam but if this saves somebody his money it was worth it so hopefully some people will read this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!

oh hi donny!
Posted 10 November, 2020. Last edited 21 December, 2020.
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0.6 hrs on record
hottest witch on steam
Posted 2 April, 2017.
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