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It's nice and pretty for a few hours or at least seeing it for the first time. Then it get's very repetitive, to try and complete the collections or achievements, it's just all the same.

It took me 3 weeks to download this game the first time. I would get to 60% or even once got to 98% then they enrolled a tiny bug fix or patch and I had to redownload everything from 0 again. I DON'T HAVE FIBRE

Now they added aprently new dlc content (content that was on ps and never on pc) and I have to download 58GB again... NO THX, I actually clicked uninstall.

Lastly, trying to Perfect the game ie get All the achievements done. You have to get to the Chamber room with a character in a different class for each achievement. That's Replay 2 thirds of the game 4 times.
Postat 5 iunie.
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3 oameni au considerat această recenzie utilă
6.5 ore înregistrate (5.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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straight up a mod for an existing game: Ark.

If you create a engine that creates a seed for a map. like rust does. Ark probably has the tech todo the same.
They expanded that seed x20 or something, and it was super easy it's literly almost just ocean.
Then the technology to import and export characters got commercialised or used differently, by : if you leave a certain position on the server with 1 part of the seed it connects the dots and imports you on the linked server side by side.

That is literly all this is, with a bunch of added "content" It's literly like the developers decided to make a quick buck before christmas and push this broken piece of mod, that they call a game, for money.

I have 6 hours played time... 6 hours of sitting in a lobby trying to connect to a official server. only to get into an unnofical one, riddled with bugs, ludicrous amount of bugs. Don't be fooled by the trailer. they have done this before. Hopefully they follow through and over next few years finish this "idea" that they sold and scammed us with.
Postat 28 decembrie 2018.
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2 oameni au considerat această recenzie utilă
324.3 ore înregistrate (113.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
Two quotes for my review

"Without the threat of ‘bad’ players, the kindness of ‘good’ players has absolutely no value. Without horror there can be no respite, no relief. Of course, there are no good or bad players in DayZ – just survivors."

And then a quote form a post on dayz

"I’ve logged 98 hours in the DayZ alpha since it was released in December, and I think I’ve finally bled it dry. When I start a new life I have a routine. I hit the nearest town to my spawn point, scavenge as much food and drink as I can, then head inland. Here I pick the towns that everyone ignores clean until I have a backpack, a fire axe, and maybe a weapon if I’m lucky. Then I’ll hit an airfield or military base and, providing I survive, pick up a tactical vest, ammo, weapon attachments, and other military gear. I’m so familiar with the map now that I can do this in as little as an hour. Then I reach the point that every geared player in DayZ has experienced at least once: what do I do now?

This is a common question on Reddit and the DayZ forums, and the responses are always the same. Use your imagination. Get into adventures. Meet people. I agree, because this is a true sandbox game in which you have to set your own objectives, but the hurdle here is other people. Whenever I head to the coast after gearing up to help bambis or interact with other players, I’m usually attacked or killed on sight before anything interesting happens. It’s difficult to use your imagination when trigger happy bandits have none of their own. Stories seem increasingly hard to come by in Chernarus these days."

Best game ever :)
Postat 21 februarie 2014. Editat ultima dată 21 februarie 2014.
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