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게시 일시: 2024년 6월 5일 오전 10시 57분

It's nice and pretty for a few hours or at least seeing it for the first time. Then it get's very repetitive, to try and complete the collections or achievements, it's just all the same.

It took me 3 weeks to download this game the first time. I would get to 60% or even once got to 98% then they enrolled a tiny bug fix or patch and I had to redownload everything from 0 again. I DON'T HAVE FIBRE

Now they added aprently new dlc content (content that was on ps and never on pc) and I have to download 58GB again... NO THX, I actually clicked uninstall.

Lastly, trying to Perfect the game ie get All the achievements done. You have to get to the Chamber room with a character in a different class for each achievement. That's Replay 2 thirds of the game 4 times.
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