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1 person found this review helpful
88.8 hrs on record (85.0 hrs at review time)
Look at my playtime. I'm only just now getting into the second half of this game. Must I explain further?
Posted 28 February.
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0.0 hrs on record
Miyazaki lied. This ♥♥♥♥ isn't the size of Limgrave. Take Liurnia and everything below it, including underground, and maybe you'll get the size of this "DLC". There's too much, there's so much content to explore. I don't want anymore, just let it end. Spare yourselves this torment. This infinite sea of never ending content within this game.
Posted 9 August, 2024.
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113.7 hrs on record (93.0 hrs at review time)
W Game
W Devs
W Community
W Discord Server
W Democracy
Posted 6 May, 2024.
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111.9 hrs on record (41.0 hrs at review time)
Really tempted to say this is better than the original

TL:DR Stop reading this and buy the game already.

I really don't have any complaints on this. Save for some of the voice acting I truly believe this is the best remake, remaster, or re-imagining of the game every created. All the subtle details of the original are in here and everything makes sense in how it works. If this was somehow the same length as the original is the only way I could see it getting better. But honestly, the cut sections and pacing of this feel way better.

Much smoother than the original obviously, but the added mobility adds a lot more panic to your movements giving you more chances to mess up. Everything from the original game is still there with a little more added to make it play like butter. I'm not a fan of the crosshair instead of a laser but that's more of a personal gripe that is somewhat remedied.

What's been REmade?
Most of the story elements are pretty much the same, but a few tweaks are made. However, the tweaks really do make it so much better to play through. The pacing is steady while still giving you the calm bits. Even the new stuff is modeled close enough to the original that you'll know exactly where you are. But some parts of the game you travel through backwards, giving it a more fresh coat of paint feeling. It's changed just enough that you know something is coming up, but you don't know exactly where until you're opening the door.

Audio, Visuals, Animations
Obviously everything is going to look great, but the new audio is hands down amazing. Guns feel punchy compared to previous Resident Evil titles. Resident Evil 8 left me especially speechless with how cartoonishly pitiful the guns sounded. But even the stock handgun sounds great, along with the bone snapping crunch of Leon's roundhouse kicks. The animations have also been uplifted a bit which is to be expected in this day in age. They're not spectacular, but they're up to date.

Voice Acting and Characters
Ada Wong - Hands down the worst voice in this game. She sounds like you're ex in highschool that was too ghetto for her own good and thinks she's the biggest girl boss in the world. I appreciate that she actually looks Asian in this rendition, but by God she sounds awful. No hate on her voice actress, for all we know it could have been exactly what her director or boss told her to do and she just followed the orders of her job.

Salazar, Mendez, Sadler - They all sound like the same guy being told to do a different Spanish accent for three different people. I really love the new designs for Mendez and Sadler, but Salazar just feels extremely underwhelming. He doesn't feel like a nuisance anymore, just like a cocky brat that you would ignore on the subway.

Luis Sera - I really didn't like his new voice at first, but it gradually grew on me. It felt like it fit in better with the more horror and dreadful tones of this game. Plus his added sections in this game give you more of a chance to bond with him a little bit. You'll also learn some more background lore for him that kinds helps draw the line in how this connects with the whole Resident Evil universe.

Krauser - Again, didn't care for it at first, but it makes sense when you really think about it. An army Major, leading troops, yelling and screaming over gunfire and explosives, really adds more to his character hearing how rasp and hoarse his voice is here. His boss fight is easily my favorite in the game. Giving an ending that feels fought and earned with his praise. Plus his VA went balls deep with the angered yelling.

The Merchant - This is what everyone was scared of. But be honest with yourself, "Could they really have recreated that voice in this and made it make sense?" The answer is no by the way. But I love this new voice, and I love his little quips and added dialogue. He feels more like a person instead of a stagnic NPC waiting for you to press a button on him. Love him to death, really don't think they could have done any better with this.

Leon - I was really scared when I saw the RE2 Remake's voice actor was also taking this Leon. His previous work was good, but I didn't want a baby Leon taking over the absolute giga chad from the original. And by God did he deliver. Nothing will ever top the original RE4 Leon, but hearing the RE2 Remake Leon and then this one makes absolute perfect sense. It's the same voice, but you can hear the desensitized tone in his voice. The years of spec ops training has turned him into something else and you can feel that with how he reacts to everything. I just really wish they would have added more more responses to Ashley when she's talking to him.

Ashley - Easily the best character in this entire game. Everyone knows she was the worst thing in the original, but she is the best living, breathing thing in this entire story this time around. Her voice, looks, and character progress make her feel like such a real person. She reacts to certain events, enemies, and even your actions with lines that make me forget that she's an NPC. The added lines and chemistry she builds with Leon makes having to save her feel more like something I want to do rather than what I have to do for Leon to get a paycheck. Absolutely stunner performance by her VA, killer design on her personality as a character, could not have possibly been any better than she already is.

Closing Notes
The game feels fresh and new while still being the same game I've loved for so many years. I was absolutely terrified when they announced they were going to remake it for fear of it being bog water trash. But this is the best replaying of a over decade old game I've ever had. It's given me the same nostalgic vibes while also giving something new and better. All the characters feel like real people going through these events. The story elements all make sense as to why you're here, where you're going, and what you're doing. The original was very much a game that looked, played, and felt like a game. Which back then was great. But this feels more like a story being experienced, every element just works. I very much doubt that a better job could have been done with this. Thank you to everyone that worked on giving me the best years of my life back.
Posted 2 April, 2023.
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344.6 hrs on record (324.9 hrs at review time)
I swear to God if FatShark nerfs/balances/reworks/ or changes the relic blade in anyway I will never touch this game again.
Posted 27 November, 2022. Last edited 9 December, 2024.
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9 people found this review helpful
90.7 hrs on record (51.2 hrs at review time)
The game is already dying so don't bother getting it.

The sad part is I really enjoy the gameplay here. With the almost roguelike features mixed into a L4D genre really makes it fun to play. However, that's about as far as the fun goes.

First off the game is way too overpriced for the amount of content. Go and get it on the Xbox gamepass if you really want to sludge through the "balance" of this game. Every special (or mutation as they're called here) is far too tanky for their own good. Even max leveled gear with damage cards stacked to high hell can sometimes struggle to deal with even the smaller specials. Not to mention all of the completely unavoidable damage they deal. Regardless of how fast you are, if the AI senses that you're in range (or even sometimes when you should be well out of its range of attack) you're going to get hit. With absolutely no way to avoid damage in some instances, you're left with the devs deciding to buff the specials when they have their entire community screaming at them to nerf them.
But here's the real kicker... how in God's green Earth do AI controlled enemies desync and rubberband in a co-op game? I have struggled to find a reasonable solution as to why AI ENEMIES are running around like they're playing TF2 with a hotspot off their phone.

Unfortunately this game could be amazing, and with more content with maps and weapons possibly coming it could very well have a playerbase for a long time. With some additions to cards, different gamemodes, and a complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ overhaul of what these people think balance is, this could be an amazin game. But the devs have already cashed their paychecks so regardless if this game lives or dies they could care less.

They've already made off with all of our money, don't let them get yours.
Posted 10 November, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
4.6 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
10/10 Motion blur is turned off by default.
Posted 9 June, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
Everyone is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that this class is OP. And it very well better be! I paid money for it, it's suppose to be over powered.
Otherwise what's the point in dropping the extra cash?
Posted 5 June, 2021.
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31.7 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Came for big titty goth vampire milf, stayed because I spent $60.
10/10 would pay another $60 just for her Onlyfans.
Posted 12 May, 2021.
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2.3 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Currently runs worse than an Early Access game.

Frame rates jump up and down, even past what I have it limited to, co-op functionality is basic as best and buggy beyond belief at worst, the game is online only and the servers aren't ever working for me to even play longer than 20 minutes before crashing, HUD doesn't work until you log out of the game and relog after booting it up EACH TIME.

Just save your money for now, this will all eventually get fixed. Go buy Valheim if you aren't already a part of the 6 million playing it now. Runs flawlessly compared to this and is only half the price.
Posted 2 April, 2021.
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