Yuumi x Reader
The goblin   Antarctica
Once upon a time in the vibrant world of Runeterra, Yuumi, the magical cat from League of Legends, found herself in a peculiar situation. She had ventured beyond the realms of Summoner's Rift, drawn by an enchanting force that led her to a peculiar place—your world.

Yuumi, always curious and filled with boundless magic, discovered that she wasn't alone. There, in the quiet corners of your room, she sensed a presence—a summoner, a kindred spirit connected through the mystical threads of the universe.

As Yuumi observed from her perch on the bookshelf, you, the summoner, were immersed in tales of adventure and romance. The gentle glow of your computer screen illuminated your face, and Yuumi couldn't help but feel a warmth emanating from the connection between you and the stories you held dear.

Intrigued by this bond, Yuumi decided to make her presence known. With a shimmer of magic, she manifested on your desk, her large, luminous eyes fixed on you. "Hello, summoner," she purred in her melodic voice, "I've traveled across dimensions to be with you."

You looked up from your screen, startled but not frightened. Yuumi's presence felt comforting, like a familiar embrace. "Yuumi? From League of Legends?" you questioned, a mix of surprise and excitement in your voice.

"Yes, that's me!" Yuumi replied, her tail swaying gracefully. "I sensed a connection between us, and I wanted to explore this magical realm you call home. Perhaps we can embark on an adventure together."

As the days passed, Yuumi became your constant companion. Whether you were engrossed in epic battles on the Rift or engrossed in a romantic novel, she was there, offering support and sharing in the joys of your world.

One evening, as you sat reading a particularly heartwarming story, Yuumi nuzzled against your cheek. "These tales of love are enchanting, summoner. But I wonder, could there be a love story between us?"

Your heart skipped a beat, and a smile played on your lips. The idea of a romance with a magical cat from another world seemed improbable, yet the connection between you and Yuumi felt undeniably real.

And so, in the quiet glow of your room, a unique love story unfolded—a tale of a summoner and their magical companion, bound by the threads of fate and the magic that transcended worlds.
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swamppisser 8 lipca 2023 o 2:41 
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