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0.2 hrs on record
this ♥♥♥♥ was insane
Posted 5 June.
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171.7 hrs on record
Stardew Valley Review: Indie Perfection

Stardew Valley stands as a testament to what indie game development can achieve, offering a delightful blend of farming simulation, community building, and adventure that has captured the hearts of millions. Created by solo developer Eric Barone, this game epitomizes indie perfection through its charming design, engaging gameplay, and heartfelt storytelling.

At its core, Stardew Valley excels in providing a deeply immersive and relaxing experience. Players are welcomed into the quaint and picturesque Pelican Town, where they inherit a run-down farm with endless possibilities for growth. The game’s day-to-day farming activities—planting crops, raising animals, and upgrading the farm—are both satisfying and addictive. The meticulous attention to detail in each task, from watering plants to crafting artisan goods, makes the farm come to life in a way that few games manage.

Beyond farming, Stardew Valley shines through its rich and vibrant community. The residents of Pelican Town each have distinct personalities, backstories, and schedules. Interacting with them, attending town events, and building relationships are integral parts of the game. The depth of character development and the warmth of the community create a genuine sense of belonging, making every interaction meaningful.

Stardew Valley also offers a wealth of exploration and adventure. The game’s expansive world includes mysterious caves to explore, filled with valuable resources and dangerous creatures. This adds an exciting layer of combat and discovery, providing a perfect counterbalance to the tranquil farming life. The ever-changing seasons and dynamic weather further enrich the experience, keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging year-round.

The game's pixel art style and soothing soundtrack contribute significantly to its charm. The visuals are beautifully crafted, evoking a nostalgic feel while maintaining a unique identity. The music, composed by Barone himself, perfectly complements the game’s atmosphere, enhancing the overall sense of peace and relaxation.

What truly sets Stardew Valley apart is the passion and dedication behind its creation. Developed single-handedly by Eric Barone over several years, the game reflects an unparalleled level of care and craftsmanship. Regular updates and the inclusion of multiplayer mode demonstrate Barone’s commitment to his community, continually enhancing the game based on player feedback.

In conclusion, Stardew Valley is a masterpiece of indie game development. Its perfect blend of engaging mechanics, endearing characters, and beautiful design creates an unforgettable experience. Whether you’re tending to your crops, exploring the depths of the mines, or forging friendships with the townsfolk, every moment in Stardew Valley is a testament to the magic that indie games can offer.
Posted 27 May.
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4.1 hrs on record
Gunfire Reborn Review:

Gunfire Reborn, a popular roguelike first-person shooter, has garnered significant attention since its release. However, despite the hype, I found the game to be quite overrated. Here's why:

Firstly, the game suffers from a complete lack of flow. The gameplay feels disjointed, with a noticeable interruption in the pacing that prevents any semblance of a smooth, engaging experience. Instead of a continuous stream of action and progression, players are frequently jarred by abrupt shifts in difficulty and random elements that disrupt the momentum.

Moreover, Gunfire Reborn is heavily stat-based. While some roguelikes strike a balance between player skill and character progression, this game leans excessively towards the latter. Success is often determined more by the numerical values of your stats and gear rather than your ability to master the game's mechanics. This can be frustrating for players who enjoy games that reward skill and strategy over grinding and luck.

In essence, if you're someone who prefers games that require skill, precision, and strategic thinking, Gunfire Reborn may not be for you. The game's reliance on stats and random elements undermines the importance of player skill, making it less appealing to those who seek a challenging and rewarding gameplay experience. The repetitive grind to improve stats and gear overshadows the potential for skill-based play.
Posted 27 May.
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56.7 hrs on record
Title: Bully: Scholarship Edition - A Schoolyard Gem Marred by Technical Hiccups

Bully: Scholarship Edition, developed by Rockstar Games, is a delightful romp through the tumultuous world of high school life. Set in the fictional town of Bullworth, players step into the shoes of Jimmy Hopkins, a rebellious teenager navigating the complexities of cliques, classes, and the occasional run-in with authority. Despite the technical shortcomings of its PC port, Bully remains a charming and memorable experience that captures the essence of adolescence in all its glory.

At its core, Bully is a sandbox adventure game that offers a rich and immersive world to explore. From attending classes and completing missions to causing mischief and forming alliances with fellow students, the game provides a wide range of activities to keep players engaged for hours on end. The vibrant and detailed world of Bullworth feels alive with personality, thanks to its colorful cast of characters and diverse range of locations to discover.

One of the standout features of Bully is its engaging storyline, which deftly balances humor, drama, and heartfelt moments. As players progress through the game, they'll encounter a variety of memorable characters and situations, each adding depth and dimension to Jimmy's journey. Whether it's standing up to bullies, helping out classmates in need, or causing chaos around campus, every action feels meaningful and contributes to the overall narrative.

Despite the technical issues plaguing the PC port of Bully: Scholarship Edition, including performance issues, crashes, and compatibility problems, the core gameplay experience remains intact. The game's intuitive controls and responsive mechanics make it a joy to play, whether on console or PC (with some patience and workarounds). While it's unfortunate that the PC version falls short in terms of optimization, the compelling gameplay and endearing charm of Bully shine through nonetheless.

Visually, Bully: Scholarship Edition holds up remarkably well, with its stylized art direction and attention to detail capturing the essence of its high school setting. From the bustling hallways of Bullworth Academy to the quaint streets of the surrounding town, every environment feels lovingly crafted and brimming with personality. The game's soundtrack further enhances the experience, with catchy tunes and atmospheric melodies that perfectly complement the on-screen action.

In conclusion, Bully: Scholarship Edition is a classic title that continues to captivate players with its engaging gameplay, memorable characters, and vibrant world. While the PC port may leave much to be desired in terms of technical performance, the game's charm and charisma shine through, making it a must-play for fans of open-world adventure games. Whether you're reliving fond memories of high school or experiencing Bullworth for the first time, Bully offers an unforgettable journey that's well worth taking.
Posted 22 March.
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138.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Title: Project Zomboid: Survival Horror Mastery

Project Zomboid, developed by Indie Stone, stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of survival horror in gaming. Set in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies, this sandbox-style game offers a relentless and unforgiving experience that challenges players to navigate through a world teeming with danger and despair.

At its core, Project Zomboid is a survival simulation game that emphasizes resource management, exploration, and strategic decision-making. Players must scavenge for supplies, fortify shelters, and fend off hordes of the undead while dealing with hunger, exhaustion, and the constant threat of infection. The game's open-ended nature allows for a variety of playstyles, whether you prefer to hunker down and build a secure base or venture out into the wilderness in search of adventure.

One of the most striking aspects of Project Zomboid is its emphasis on realism and immersion. The game features a detailed and dynamic world where every action has consequences. From the spread of diseases to the degradation of equipment over time, every aspect of survival feels authentic and meaningful. This realism extends to the game's graphics and sound design, which effectively convey the sense of dread and isolation that permeates the game world.

But perhaps the most compelling aspect of Project Zomboid is its emergent storytelling. As players explore the world and interact with its inhabitants (both living and undead), they'll inevitably encounter unexpected challenges and forge their own narratives of survival. Whether it's forming alliances with fellow survivors, embarking on daring rescue missions, or succumbing to the horrors of the apocalypse, every playthrough offers a unique and unforgettable experience.

That said, Project Zomboid is not without its flaws. The game's steep learning curve and punishing difficulty may deter some players, particularly those new to the survival genre. Additionally, while the game's sandbox nature allows for endless replayability, some players may crave a more structured narrative experience.

In conclusion, Project Zomboid is a masterclass in survival horror gaming. With its immersive world, realistic mechanics, and deep emergent gameplay, it offers a truly unforgettable experience for fans of the genre. If you're willing to brave the horrors of the apocalypse and test your mettle against the undead, Project Zomboid is a journey well worth undertaking. Just remember: in the world of Project Zomboid, survival is not guaranteed, and every decision could be your last.
Posted 22 March. Last edited 22 March.
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59.6 hrs on record (59.3 hrs at review time)
Title: Cyberpunk 2077: A Futuristic Fiasco

Cyberpunk 2077, the highly anticipated open-world RPG from CD Projekt Red, promised to deliver an immersive and revolutionary experience set in a dystopian future. However, the reality of the game's release fell far short of these lofty expectations, resulting in a deeply disappointing and flawed gaming experience.

One of the most glaring issues with Cyberpunk 2077 is its numerous technical problems and performance issues, particularly on last-gen consoles. From game-breaking bugs to frequent crashes and abysmally low frame rates, the game's release was marred by a litany of technical shortcomings that made it virtually unplayable for many players. Even on high-end PCs, the game suffered from optimization issues and graphical glitches that detracted from the overall immersion.

Beyond its technical woes, Cyberpunk 2077 also fails to deliver on its promises of a living, breathing open world. While Night City may initially appear vibrant and bustling with life, it quickly becomes apparent that its streets are devoid of meaningful interaction and depth. NPCs lack personality and variety, with recycled dialogue and limited AI routines that make the city feel static and lifeless.

The game's narrative also falls short of expectations, with a plot that feels disjointed and poorly paced. Despite the potential for intriguing moral dilemmas and deep character development, the story fails to engage players on a meaningful level. Side quests, touted as a highlight of the game, often devolve into repetitive fetch quests and uninspired combat encounters, further detracting from the overall experience.

Furthermore, Cyberpunk 2077's portrayal of sensitive topics such as gender identity and mental health has been criticized for its lack of nuance and sensitivity. Rather than engaging with these themes in a meaningful way, the game often resorts to tired stereotypes and superficial depictions that feel out of touch and offensive.

In conclusion, Cyberpunk 2077 is a deeply flawed and disappointing game that fails to live up to its ambitious promises. From its technical problems and lackluster open world to its underwhelming narrative and problematic portrayal of sensitive topics, the game is a far cry from the groundbreaking experience it was hyped up to be. While patches and updates may improve the game over time, the initial release will be remembered as a cautionary tale of overhyped expectations and broken promises.
Posted 28 September, 2023. Last edited 22 March.
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6.0 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Title: Atomic Heart: A Long-Awaited Disappointment

As a fan who had eagerly awaited the release of Atomic Heart for four long years, I was deeply disappointed with the overall experience of the game.

One of the major issues with Atomic Heart is its lack of direction and coherence. The game's story and gameplay feel disjointed and confusing, with little explanation or guidance provided. The plot is convoluted, and the events are often difficult to follow, leaving me feeling disconnected from the game world.

Despite the long development time, the gameplay in Atomic Heart falls short. The controls are clunky and unresponsive, making combat and movement feel frustrating and tedious. The enemy AI is inconsistent, ranging from overly aggressive to completely passive, which breaks immersion and hampers the overall gameplay experience.

Another letdown is the technical performance of Atomic Heart. The game is plagued with numerous bugs, including graphical glitches, crashes, and performance issues, which detract from the immersion and enjoyment of the game. After waiting for four years, I had expected a more polished and stable experience.

Furthermore, the visuals and audio in Atomic Heart, while initially promising, fail to deliver. The graphics are inconsistent, with moments of stunning visuals followed by lackluster and dated-looking environments. The audio design is also underwhelming, with repetitive sound effects and lack of variety in music.

As someone who had been eagerly anticipating Atomic Heart for years, the overall experience was a letdown. The lack of direction, clunky gameplay, technical issues, and underwhelming visuals and audio all contributed to a disappointing and long-awaited letdown. I had hoped for a polished and immersive experience, but unfortunately, Atomic Heart fell short of my expectations.
Posted 20 February, 2023. Last edited 22 March.
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206.5 hrs on record (206.3 hrs at review time)
A Fall from Grace - Mordhau Review

As someone who was initially captivated by the promise of medieval battles in Mordhau, I am disappointed to say that the game has fallen off and the server experience has been nothing short of terrible.

One of the most frustrating aspects of Mordhau is the state of its servers. The game has experienced a significant decline in server performance, with frequent lag, connectivity issues, and long wait times to join matches. This has greatly impacted the overall enjoyment of the game, leading to frustrating and inconsistent gameplay experiences.

Moreover, the game has suffered from a lack of meaningful updates and improvements. While Mordhau initially garnered attention for its unique combat mechanics and intense multiplayer battles, the developers seem to have lost momentum in keeping the game fresh and engaging. The lack of new content, updates, and bug fixes has led to a stagnant and repetitive gameplay experience, leaving players craving for more.

Another issue is the toxic community that has developed within Mordhau. The game has been plagued by toxic behavior, including harassment, racism, and trolling, which can significantly detract from the overall enjoyment of the game. The lack of effective measures to address and mitigate this toxic behavior has contributed to a negative community experience.

Furthermore, the game's overall balance has also suffered. There have been persistent issues with weapon balancing, hit detection, and overall game mechanics that have not been adequately addressed, leading to frustrating and inconsistent gameplay experiences.

Overall, Mordhau has fallen off from its initial promise of intense medieval battles. The server performance issues, lack of meaningful updates, toxic community, and gameplay imbalances have all contributed to a disappointing experience. As a fan of the game, it's disheartening to see the decline in its quality and enjoyment, and I hope that the developers take decisive action to address these issues and bring back the game's former glory.
Posted 2 February, 2023. Last edited 21 April, 2023.
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99.9 hrs on record (85.6 hrs at review time)
Red Dead Redemption 2: A Masterpiece of Storytelling and Immersive Gameplay, with Online Flaws

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a masterpiece of storytelling and immersive gameplay that sets a new standard for open-world action-adventure games. Developed by Rockstar Games, this highly anticipated sequel delivers on its promise of a rich and dynamic Wild West experience that captivates players from start to finish.

One of the standout features of Red Dead Redemption 2 is its engrossing story. Set in a beautifully crafted open-world environment, players follow the journey of Arthur Morgan, a complex and morally ambiguous protagonist, as he navigates the challenges of life as an outlaw in the dying days of the Wild West. The story is filled with memorable characters, gripping missions, and emotional moments that tug at the heartstrings.

The gameplay in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a true masterpiece. From intense shootouts to exhilarating horseback chases, the game offers a diverse range of activities that keep players engaged for hours on end. The attention to detail is astonishing, with realistic gunplay, immersive exploration, and a dynamic ecosystem that reacts to the player's actions. The world feels alive, with a vibrant cast of characters and a living, breathing environment that is a joy to explore.

The graphics in Red Dead Redemption 2 are breathtaking. The game boasts stunning visuals, with realistic character models, detailed landscapes, and jaw-dropping attention to detail. The lighting and weather effects further enhance the game's immersive atmosphere, making it one of the most visually impressive games of its time.

However, Red Dead Redemption 2's online mode has its flaws. The online component of the game, while offering a vast open world to explore with friends, can feel grindy and repetitive at times. It can be frustrating to encounter microtransactions and virtual items that require real money to unlock, which can feel like an unwelcome push towards spending additional funds in-game. This aspect may be disappointing for players who prefer a more traditional, non-monetized experience.

In conclusion, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a true masterpiece in terms of its rich storytelling, immersive gameplay, and stunning visuals. It offers an unforgettable single-player experience that will leave players awe-struck. However, its online mode's reliance on microtransactions and virtual items for real money may be a drawback for some players. Despite this, Red Dead Redemption 2 remains a must-play game for anyone seeking an immersive, story-driven, and visually stunning Wild West adventure.
Posted 21 January, 2023. Last edited 21 April, 2023.
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179.5 hrs on record (50.3 hrs at review time)
ELDEN RING: An Epic Masterpiece for Fans of Fantasy and Action RPGs

ELDEN RING is a breathtaking and awe-inspiring masterpiece that has raised the bar for fantasy and action role-playing games (RPGs). From the brilliant minds of Hidetaka Miyazaki, the creator of the renowned Souls series, and George R.R. Martin, the acclaimed author of A Song of Ice and Fire series, comes a game that surpasses all expectations and delivers an unforgettable gaming experience.

One of the standout features of ELDEN RING is its rich and immersive world. The game's open-world setting is vast and intricately designed, with stunning landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and awe-inspiring vistas that leave players in awe. The attention to detail in the world-building is unparalleled, and every corner of the game is filled with lore, secrets, and hidden stories waiting to be discovered.

The gameplay in ELDEN RING is a masterpiece in itself. The combat system is refined and challenging, offering a perfect balance between strategic planning and fast-paced action. The variety of weapons, spells, and abilities available to the player allows for creative and diverse playstyles, making each encounter feel fresh and engaging. The boss battles are epic and memorable, testing the player's skills and providing a sense of accomplishment upon victory.

The story of ELDEN RING is deep, complex, and masterfully crafted. George R.R. Martin's influence is evident in the game's rich lore, intricate world-building, and compelling characters. The story is filled with twists and turns, and the player's choices and actions have meaningful consequences that shape the outcome of the game's world. The voice acting and dialogue are top-notch, further immersing players in the game's captivating narrative.

The visuals and audio in ELDEN RING are nothing short of breathtaking. The game boasts stunning graphics, with beautifully detailed environments, breathtaking lighting, and meticulously crafted character designs. The hauntingly beautiful soundtrack complements the game's atmosphere perfectly, enhancing the emotional impact of every moment.

ELDEN RING is a game that caters to fans of fantasy, action RPGs, and immersive storytelling. It is a game that demands exploration, strategic thinking, and mastery of its combat mechanics. The game offers countless hours of gameplay, with an open world filled with secrets, quests, and challenges to overcome. It is a game that will captivate players from start to finish and leave them craving for more.

In conclusion, ELDEN RING is a true masterpiece that surpasses all expectations. From its breathtaking world design, refined gameplay, compelling story, and stunning visuals and audio, it is a game that sets a new standard for fantasy and action RPGs. Fans of the genre and newcomers alike will be enthralled by the game's depth, complexity, and sheer beauty. ELDEN RING is a must-play for anyone seeking an unforgettable gaming experience that will leave a lasting impression.
Posted 9 January, 2023. Last edited 21 April, 2023.
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