Benji #RENEWkeys!
Currently Offline
Currently trade banned
Items Up For Trade
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Trades Made


1. The items you will recieve are digital and hold no tangible value in the real world.
2. You will not attempt to issue a charge back for dot points one and two.
3. Unless you are very trusted, I will go first with every right you must have.
4. YOU MUST AGREE TO THESE TERMS FOR TRADES TO OCCUR, in order to prevent ANY scams or chargebacks through PayPal and will be used as evidence that you agreed in any disputes. I will ask explicitly in our chat window.
5. Willing to use any steamrep middleman from a site " https://steamrep.com/list/M ". this is not a fake link. you can check it out yourselves. Sellers and Buyers must pick there own Middleman from the given site. Thank you.


• English only

* I am a Dota 2 player and Now a Counter Strike Player

• If your steam profile or inventory is private, I will ignore your request.

• If I am in a game, do not expect a response from me. I will look at the chat when I am finished.

• Be specific about items, I hate having to ask for details and may delete you right away.

•If you want to buy keys from me or buy my knives for Real Money I Accept Paypal and Skrill as my Payment Method. (Verified user)

•Keys are for 2.2$ each and My Rules are I never go first in any other circumstances. Unless I trust you.

•When i dont have any items on my inventory meaning (Items are SOLD) I CAN SHOW SCREENS OF EVERY TRADE THAT I DID. Just be nice and punctual.

•I buy knives for decent and appropriate price, I never pay the average market price. I also Buy Keys for 2$ each(Csgo Keys). I go first only if the seller is trusted and I buy in bulks.

Thank you.

Good Luck and Have Fun Playing Games!

Jan 6, 2015 Bill FromRené RehlingPendingYou received this payment request but haven't paid it yet.You received this payment request but haven't paid it yet.Details Bill From René Rehling
Choose action1
Pay €50.00 EUR
€50.00 EU

"| Pro | ♛AzoT♛ | offer you to sell your items from your inventory for $ 3.67. If you agree to sell their things, confirm the exchange. Dengue come immediately after the exchange to your account purse Steam, Sincerely, Steam Trading Group" © 2015 Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. (?)